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Competition "The Best Hostess"

Competition "The Best Hostess"

On October 11, 2014 within the actions organized in honor of the 90 anniversary of Dushanbe – "Ten Days of the Capital", and also the International Day of Girls the competition "The Best Hostess" took place in FEIT where the students of all faculties participated.

The rector of institute A. Soliev congratulated participants of the competition on a holiday which is celebrated in Tajikistan for the first time. The rector gave an assessment to a role of girls in modern society and noted: "Today all conditions for self-realization of girls are created in our republic, they can open the abilities and opportunities, to seek for education, achievement of the high status in society. But thus they need to know that wellbeing of a family generally depends on as far as they will be able to combine functions of the careful hostess and aspiration to professional career".

The 4 year student of faculty of the International Economics Relations, the chairman of the council of girls of the dormitory Shakhnoza Davlatshoeva told attendees about the International Day of Girls. 

Under the terms of competition the students had to recite poems, cook salads and lay the tables. The representatives of the faculties laid holiday tables and showed it to the present. 

It is pleasant that our students equally and at the same time can combine study and carry out functions of the model hostess and the master-hand. 
The competition was organized at the high level, judges estimated skills of the girls objectively. On October 20 the competition results will be summed up, to winners will hand gifts. 

Mashkhura Abdulloeva