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To help young researchers

To help young researchers

On October 16, 2014 a scientific and practical seminar "The Young Researcher" was held in FEIT. Teachers-researchers with an experience, assistants and graduate students of the institute took part at the seminar. The Vice rector for science G. Ashurov opened the work of a seminar and noted the importance of such actions in formation and development of research skills of young specialists. It was noted that scientifically - research activity is the basis of science as a process. The most important feature of scientific researches is connection between science and practice, i.e. practical application of scientific achievements. From this point of view, young researchers have to improve constantly the research skills and abilities on writing of scientific articles.
The head of the Department of Insurance business S. Majdiev showed conceptual bases of writing scientific articles by means of slides. It was noted that the scientific article has accurate structure and the main requirements which need to be observed. S. Majdiev noted that the science is the difficult developing system which demands from young scientists possession of research technique bases, to develop the theoretical and practical knowledge constantly, to improve research skills.
The head of the Department of Statistics N. Soliev noted the importance of constantly operating scientific and practical seminar "The Young Researcher" in development of the research direction at the institute. He told that developing cooperation with the staff of the institute and leading educational and research establishments of the republic, new scientific researches and achievements in the field of financial and economic sciences will be considered at the seminar in the future.  
It should be noted that young researchers can use guide-books on writing scientific articles which are published by authoritative scientists to help young researchers. 

Mashhura Abdulloeva