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Scientific Student Circle "Creative Search"

Scientific Student Circle "Creative Search"

On October 22, 2014 the regular meeting of the scientific student circle "Creative search" was organized at Department of Finance and Monetary Circulation in FEIT. Candidate of Economics Science, the associate professor of the Department Nurov Sh. S. opened a circle meeting. He noted that the main objectives of work of a student scientific circle are formation of students’ interest and requirement to scientific creativity, development of their creative thinking and scientific independence.
The reports of the 4 year student of Finance and Credit faculty Zafari Saidkul on the following subject "Financial Problems of Sustainable Economic Development" and the 2 year student of the same faculty O. Hodzhieva on "The Value of Non-cash Monetary Circulation" were heard at the regular meeting of a circle. The reports were substantial and actual. The authors of the reports answered numerous questions of the participants of a meeting. During the debate participants noted that with transition to the market relations providing a sustainable development of economy becomes the main task of the state. It promotes improvement of a standard of living of the population. 
The scientific students’ circle "Creative Search" unites a large number of talented students. The meetings take place monthly. 

M. Abdulloeva