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On October 21, 2014 at the initiative of Department of Education the meeting of the students trained in FEIT on a quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the staff was held in the institute. The Deputy of Executive committee of primary organization of PDPT at Sino region "Finance and economy" and the head of the Department of the Higher Mathematics of FEIT Burkhonov Z.B. noted that a main objective of allocation of quotas of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is involvement of girls and young men from the remote villages, towns and regions of the republic to higher educational institutions, maintenance and increase of level of their education and culture.
The children from poor families are accepted on training in higher education institutions of the republic on a quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. All trained on a quota are obliged to return after education to a permanent place of residence and to be engaged in professional activity. The speaker called students for political vigilance and not to give in to provocations and appeals of extremist groups, to take an active civic position. Also he acquainted students with the program purposes of People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan.
At the moment 86 students are trained on a quota of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan at Finance and Economic Institute of Tajikistan.

M. Abdulloeva