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The ways of introduction of islamic banking in the banking system of Tajikistan

The ways of introduction of islamic banking in the banking system of Tajikistan

On October 25, 2014 the regular meeting of the scientific and practical circle "Economic Expert" was devoted to problems of introduction of Islamic banking in a banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan and attraction of investments. The head of Department of Planning and Economy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Donakhonov I.S. took part in the work of a circle. 
The rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan A. Soliev, opened the work of a circle, acquainted attendees with essence and the maintenance of the considered problems. He noted that Tajikistan at the moment is the first in the CIS adopted the Law "About Activity of Islamic Banking". The majority of the banks of Tajikistan are interested in the work on the principles of Islamic banking. Relevance of this problem demands to conduct special courses for students of upperclassmen and made up the corresponding educational and methodical materials that can promote acceleration of introduction of the principles of Islamic banking in a banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan. 
The report of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of Finance and Credit Faculty of FEIT Hayrov Sh. on the subject "Ways of Introduction and Improvement of Islamic Banking System in the Republic of Tajikistan and Problems of Attraction of Investments" was heard at the meeting. The author noted that today Islamic banks are developed very quickly, many bankers and businessmen of the whole world should reckon with them, and growth of Islamic banks against the crisis which captured almost whole world looks contrastly. The author opened evolution of Islamic banks and on the basis of carrying out the comparative and economic analysis defined its role in formation of the market relations in national economy.
The author of the report answered numerous of the participants’ questions of the circle. 
The rector of FEIT Soliev A. participated in debate. He noted the prospects of active and positive development of Islamic banking system in the Republic of Tajikistan. 
Also associate professors Safarov B., Madiev S., Sodikov M. and others which expressed their point of view on the discussed question participated in the debate. 

Sajdikhodzha Majdiev, Candidate of Economics Science, associate professor, secretary of the scientific and practical circle "Economic Expert".