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The problems of sustained economic growth and human development

The problems of sustained economic growth and human development

On October 28, 2014 with financial support of the UNDP Istanbul regional center for countries of Eastern Europe and CIS according to the plan of activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan  the Republican scientific and practical conference on the subject "The Problems of Sustained Economic Growth and Human Development" directed on strengthening of financial and economic relations and the solution of the problems connected with the economic growth of the republic was held in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. 
The issues connected with economic development and labor market, a monetary and credit system, the analysis and methodology of calculations, and also problems on providing economic security in the republic were considered at the conference. It should be noted that the staff of FEIT conducts the research work directed on research and the solution of such important problem, as sustained economic growth and economic development of the republic that  promotes the solution of problems in this direction and to search of measures for anti-recessionary regulation of national economy.
Researchers, experts and specialists of the Ministries, committees, teachers of higher educational institutions of the republic took part in the work of conference. 
The rector of Finance and Economics Institute Ashurboy Soliev has opened the conference work. He noted the importance of carrying out such actions, wished success to conference work. 
In plenary part of the conference were heard the reports: professor of  Tajik National University Isaynov H.R. on the subject "Ensuring Water and Energy Security as Direction of a Sustainable Development of National Economy of Tajikistan"; Candidate of Economic Sciences Bobodzhonov R. M. on the subject "Place and Role of the Concept of Human Development in Change of Society"; the senior research associate of Institute of Economy and Demography of Academy of Sciences of RT on the subject "Some Innovative Factors of a Sustainable Development of Economy of the Republic of Tajikistan". These reports were substantial and interesting. The conference continued the work in 5 sections, in total number for consideration of conference 70 scientific reports were offered. 
Following the results of the conference work its participants prepared the suggestions for improvement of a monetary and credit system of the republic, to ensuring effective investment and economic security of the country, and also sustained economic growth and human development which will be provided in the relevant government institutions.
It should be noted that the conference was interesting and successfully. The staff of Research Department of FEIT made a lot of efforts to the organization of this conference. 

Mashkhura Abdulloeva