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Participation of scientists of FEIT in the online Round Table

Participation of scientists of FEIT in the online Round Table

On October 28, 2014 at the initiative of Institute of Economy, finance and commerce of the Bashkir State University (Bash.SU) and the Eurasian Center "Samrau" the international online Round Table on the topic "Development of Islamic finance in the region: a role in attraction of investments" was organized in the House of the State meeting the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The staff of Finance and Economic Institute of Tajikistan also took active part in it. The participants of the Round table noted that the topic of action is actual in today's transformed world.     
The purpose of carrying out this action is discussion of the problems connected from attraction of investments into region economy taking into account an aggravation of geopolitical conditions and toughening of the interregional competition. The participants of the Round table also considered ways of attraction of Islamic finance to regional economy. It was noted that successful activity of Islamic financial system promotes development of the financial market, expansion of banking services, economic and social development of the region.
90 scientists from various countries of the world researching in financial and economic branch participated at the work of Round table. The representatives of the Republic of Tajikistan were Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor, the rector of Finance and Economic Institute of Tajikistan A. Soliev and Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor, the dean of faculty of International Economic Relations of FEIT N. Popov. They presented the scientifically-based offers on development of Islamic financial services to the participants of the Round table to discuss it.
It should be noted that the scientists of FEIT participated in the scientific online action for the first time. Participation in such actions promotes strengthening of international relations of institute and its representation internationally.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva