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Bilateral agreement was signed

Bilateral agreement was signed

November 7, 2014 the representatives of Education of the City Government of St. Petersburg has arrived with the official visit to the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The guests were welcomed by the rector and vice-rectors of the institute. In honor of the arrival of the guests all the deans of faculties, heads of departments and many members of teaching staff of the Institute gathered at the conference hall to the purpose of exchanging views.. 
The Rector of the Institute Soliev Ashurboy Abduvohidovich opened the meeting with an introductory speech. He spoke in brief about the activities and achievements of the Institute. 
In his turn Maksimov Andrey Stanislavovich. - Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the Government of St. Petersburg thanked for such a warm welcome and told the participants of the meeting about the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg. He mentioned that at present more than 100 students from Tajikistan study in universities of St. Petersburg and in the future it is planned to increase their numbers. 
The Rector of Saint-Petersburg Economic University Maksimtsev Igor Anatolyevich was also attended at the meeting. He spoke about the activities of his University and noted that as there are many Dissertation Councils in SPbSEU, so PhD and full-doctors students of FEIT can protect their scientific works in these councils. 

At the end of the meeting in the presence of A.C. Maximov and other participants of the meeting it was signed the Agreement on Cooperation between the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan and Saint-Petersburg State Economic University, which is a great achievement in the field of science and international relations of universities of these countries.