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November 20th of this year, in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Bashkir State University and the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, on the initiative of the Faculty of International Economic Relations and International Relations Department of FEIT it was organized an international scientific-practical online conference on "SCO and BRICS in the formation of a multipolar modern system of international relations". Participants of the international online conference also were other leading universities such as, "Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan", "Institute of Diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Kyrgyz-Turkish University of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan", "National University of Uzbekistan named by Mirzo Ulugbek".
During the online conference Tajikistan were represented by teachers from FEIT, including Bakhrom Safarov – Vice-rector on International Relations, who made a presentation on "Evaluation and analysis of the prospects of trade and economic relations of the Republic of Tajikistan in the framework of the SCO", Sodikov Mehtarhon - head of the International financial and credit relations department with a report titled "SCO as a promising mechanism for multilateral cooperation in Central Asia", and Popov Nikolay - dean of the International Economic Relations faculty as a coordinator of this online conference  making a greeting and closing speeches. 

It should be noted that previously the FEIT teachers had participated actively in online conferences and had received letters of appreciation from the organizers of online conferences.