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Culture and Civilization of Ancient Hissar

Culture and Civilization of Ancient Hissar

The events in honor of the 3000 anniversary of Hissar are held all over the country these days. On November 20, 20014 the conference on the theme "Culture and Civilization of Ancient Hissar" was organized in honor of this date in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan at the initiative of the Department of Science, Department of humanitarian disciplines, as well as Department of the Tajik and Russian languages. The guests from Hissar participated at the conference: the Chief editor of "Hisori Zarnisor" Sultonmurod Odinaev, People's Artist of Tajikistan Komildzhon Ganiev, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tajikistan Sayfiddin Akramov, the Head of Department of Social Development and Public Relations of Hissar district Hayrullo Davlatov, the head of the sericulture enterprise of the district Alidzhon Mirazizov. 

Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Soliev opened the conference with a welcoming speech. He noted that on the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on November 5, 2013 in Paris at UNESCO headquarters on the 37th Session of the celebration of the 3000 anniversary of Hissar was included to international list of historical and cultural dates of 2015. Anniversary date will be solemnly celebrated on September 10, 2015 with the participation of UNESCO.

хисор400x2500.jpgThe documentary film was demonstrated to the conference participants, shot by the first-year students of Taxes and taxation specialty. This film was about the historical and cultural monuments of the district, changing the district center into the modern city.

The reports of  candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of humanities Kutbiya Homidova on "History Hissar- personification of national culture", Sultonmurod Odinaev on "Architectural Heritage Hissar Valley", associate professor of humanities Gulomjon Mirzoev on "Political Philosophy of Mirzo Tursun-Zade", Professor Sayfiddin Akramov on "Social theme in the work of Karim Devona" were heard at the conference.
The speakers noted that the ancient Hissar is one of the centers of the Aryan civilization. This is evidenced by the detection of ancient historical and archaeological excavations, ancient manuscripts, cultural heritage, etc. Ancient Hissar had developed agriculture, diverse architecture and a rich social life. 
The artists Sayfiddin Akramov and Komildzhon Ganiev participated at the artistic part of the conference with a rich concert program. The first-year students of the Faculty of Finance and Credit recited poems in a patriotic theme. 

Mashhura Abdulloeva