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Political rent: its nature and forms of manifestation

Political rent: its nature and forms of manifestation

On December 6, the regular meeting of scientific and practical circle "Economic Expert" was held. The problems of political rent, the causes and manifestations of political rent, as well as ways of preventing it were discussed at the meeting. It was noted that the prevention and overcoming political rent is possible through economic mechanisms under implementation of the Law "On Corruption" and the National Anti-Corruption Strategy. 

Ismatulo Khakimov – the First Deputy Chief of the Main Central Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mustafo Niyozov – the Head of Statistics and the balance of payments of the National Bank of Tajikistan, Abror Mirsaidov - Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Demography of the Academy of Science took part at the work of the circle.
Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Soliev opened the work of the circle, presented the essence and content of the topic. He noted that in the modern conditions Tajikistan overcomes a qualitatively new stage of economic development, when the foundation of the economy is to ensure macroeconomic stability. Acceleration of socio-economic development and the achievement of the strategic goals set by the Government, mainly depends on the introduction scientific achievements in the production, expanded use of new technologies and innovations, training of highly qualified specialists. A. Soliev added that taking into account the seriousness of the problem Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan pays great attention to the study of fundamental problems, including those associated with the new political economy. 
The report of the Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Demography of the Academy of Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mirsaidov A. B. on "Political rent: its nature and forms (new political economy)" was heard at the meeting of the scientific and practical circle. The speaker gave an assessment of the political rent as corruption phenomenon and noted that the formation of electronic government, strengthening of the private sector and property rights, achieving a balance between the center and regions can contribute to the prevention of political rent. During consideration of the problem under discussion the reporter compared the causes and consequences of corruption in some countries. 
Speaking in the debate Rector of FEIT Soliev A. noted that modern era is characterized by the struggle of economic subjects to achieve monopoly power, their aspiration to restrict competition in the market, competition between subjects for their interests, flared up competition of subjects of economic activity in order to achieve the best results in their favor. A. Soliev emphasized that in the present circumstances our country, on the bases of "open doors" policy, perceives its task in creating conditions to promote sustainable development of country. 
On the results of the work of the circle participants put forward constructive suggestions to improve the financial and economic condition of the republic and to overcome the negative effects. 

Sadihodzha Madiev, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Secretary of the circle