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Analysis of agricultural branch

Analysis of agricultural branch

On December 23 rd, 2014 a round table on theme "The Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan and providing the population with food" was organized at the initiative of the Research Management and the Department of Economics and Management of FEIT.  The Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan Sidzhouddin Isroilov, PhD , professor Abdurahim Madaminov, the Head of the experimental farm by name Latif Murodov of Hissar district Bahriddin Soliev, the teachers from institutions of the Republic were attended at the round table.
Professor of Economics and Management Department Vahhob Vohidov provided detailed information to the participants of round table about the agriculture in Tajikistan. He noted that this industry is a key element of material production. During the years of sovereignty in the transition to a market economy in place of the reorganized collective and state farms new forms of management that ensure the production of the industry were organized  .
In his speech S. Isroilov noted that the volume of agricultural production last year for the republic was 16756, 6 somoni, including plant growing – 11502, 5 million somoni for the livestock –breeding industry – 5254,1 million  somoni, but this volume cannot fully ensure food independence of the country. At the end of his speech S. Ismoilov said that at the present stage 17 programs for the development of agriculture were accepted, the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of our strategic goals. 
According to the results of the round table the participants made the proposals for overcoming the disadvantages and agricultural development.

Mashhura Abdulloeva