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Successful summing up the year

Successful summing up the year

On December 26th, 2014 an extraordinary extended meeting of the Academic Council was held in FEIT, which was attended by staff of the Institute.
Before the meeting, the 2nd year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty Kiyomiddin Yorov was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Committee on Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the first place in the competition of readers "Jami's successors", organized by the Committee. 
Then, in accordance with the agenda, the report of the rector of FEIT Ashurboy Soliev "On the results of activity of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan in 2014 and tasks for 2015" was heard. The report covers all areas of the activities of the Institute in 2014 reporting year. Summarizing the results of 2014, Rector of FEIT defined the tasks of the Institute staff on the new 2015.
After analyzing the activities of all the structures of the Institute, rector defined the tasks to improve educational and methodical activities and to improve international relations, financial and economic activities of the institute next year.
It was noted that the educational process and the activities of the teaching staff in this area was carried out in accordance with corresponding laws and regulations, state standards and approved curricula.
The main purpose of the teaching staff is always the training of highly qualified specialists to meet the requirements of the international labor market, the formation of citizenship, patriotism and morality in students. Rector identified tasks of the staff in achieving the goals. 
The teachers Ilhomuddin Ibragimov, Shukrullo Hairov, Asadullo Mullodzhonov, Giyosiddin Ashurov, Firuz Nasriddinov, Vahhob Vohidov, Jovid Boimurodov who welcomed the results of the last 2014 participated at the debate. 

Mashkhura  Abdulloeva