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The results of sport competitions

The results of sport competitions

As it was informed earlier, within the Day of Employees of Customs authorities celebration of the Republic of Tajikistan from January 10 to 17 supported by management of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan sport competitions between the teams of teachers, students of Finance and Economics institute of Tajikistan and employees of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was held in FEIT on several popular kinds of sport. They are the following: small football, volleyball, table tennis and chess. The Cup of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was played at the competitions.
On January 17 the final game between teams on small football took place in the sport complex of Tax Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan. The winners were awarded in a festive atmosphere.  
The rector of Finance and Economics institute of Tajikistan Ashurboy Soliev and the Deputy Head of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Tokhir Nurov, students and teachers of the institute participated at the awards ceremony. A. Soliyev congratulated the winners of sport competitions, and noted that sport should take a major role in the student's life. The healthy lifestyle shall be regulation for each young man. On this basis, the administration of FEIT pays great attention to development of sport and physical culture, creates the conditions in order that students in their free time could be engaged in a favourite sport. Nowadays there are several completely equipped gyms and sports grounds at the institute. 
Tokhir Nurov also congratulated winners of sports competitions. He noted a great role of physical culture and sport in forming of a healthy lifestyle. He urged students to use the time effectively and to aim to spiritual and physical harmony. He noted that these competitions proved that students, teaching staff of FEIT and the staff of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pay great attention to development of sport and their physical training.
варзиш4001x250.jpgIt should be noted that the students of FEIT have reached excellent results at these competitions thanks to their trainers. At competitions in chess the first place was won by students of Financial Economy and Taxation faculties, the second place – the team of Information Technologies Faculty, and the third place – the team of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. 
At table tennis competitions among students the first place was won by team of Management and the Financial law faculty, the team of the International Economic Relations faculty has won the second place, the third place was taken by team of Financial Economy and Taxation faculty.
At table tennis competitions among teachers and employees of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan the team of Customs service won the first place, the team of Financial Economy and Taxation faculty won the second place, and the third place was taken by team of Finance and Credit faculty. 
At volleyball competitions prize-winning places were divided among the team of the International Economic Relations faculty, team of Financial Economy and Taxation faculties and the team of Accounting and Statistics faculty. On the same kind of sport among teachers prizes were taken by teams of Finance and Credit faculty, faculty of Financial Economy and Taxation, and as well as the team of faculty of  International Economic Relations.
At small football competitions among teachers and the staff of Customs service the first place was won by team of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan-1, the second place was won the team of Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan-2, the third place was taken by the team of Financial Economy and Taxation faculty.
The results of competition in small football among students are as follows: first place – the team of Management and Financial Law faculty, the second place – the team of the International Economic Relations faculty, the third place – the team of Accounting and Statistics faculty.
The winners of competitions were awarded by the Cups and certificates of honor founded by Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Kamoliddin Sharifov
Muzaffar Safarov