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The instructions to curators

The instructions to curators

On February 6, 2015 the regular meeting of administration of the faculty was held at the Finance and Credit faculty with the participation of dean, deputy dean, the Heads of departments and curators of academic groups.
The issues of requirements to the students’ appearance, internal rules and discipline, as well as interaction curators with the parents were discussed at the meeting. Another issue under discussion has been associated with an explanation to the students the basic aspects of the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan of Majlisi Oli. The curators were obliged to strengthen educational work to explain students the real essence and goals of terrorist and extremist groups and prevent the entry of students into their ranks.
It was announced that community work day will be systematically organized from February to June in the institute, which are required to be actively involved both students and teachers of the faculty.

Kamoliddin Sharifov