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Dear our Mothers and Women!

Dear our Mothers and Women!

Let me heartily congratulate all of you - our dear women, mothers and sisters of the most beautiful holiday, identifies the coming of spring and awakening of nature - Mother's Day! I wish all of you prosperity, happiness, health, success and long life!
Mother's Day - a holiday, revived in sovereign Tajikistan. Mother has always been a symbol of the origin of life, the guardian of the family hearth, the personification of peace and harmony, a symbol of unconditional love and vital wisdom. In this world, nothing is lighter and stronger than the love of a mother. Mother's Heart is the ocean of boundless love for the children, to the native land.
Today Woman-Mother occupies a special status in our society. Thanks to the chosen policy of our Government, our women have gained greater opportunities and rights and are involved in social and political work. By their selfless work, modesty, dedication they deserve love and respect of the society.
We are proud that today, 243 women and girls are working and studying at our institute. Among our women- teachers - 2 Doctors of Science and 11Candidates of Sciences that contribute greatly to the development and improvement of the educational process. 1500 ladies study on full-time and correspondence department at FEIT.
This holiday is a tribute of respect to the Mother, whose heart is full of love and warm to us.
We are all indebted to our mothers. We congratulate again all of you with a happy holiday! I wish you happiness, health and joy! Let love and harmony always reign in your family!
Love and respect your mothers and do not forget that the paradise is under the feet of your Mothers!

Rector of FEIT

Ashurboy Solehzoda