Accounting Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Bobomurodov Bobomurod Elmurodovich
PhD, Associate Professor
Кабинет: 307
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: Theory of Accounting, Financial Accounting, History of Accounting, Auditing and Control
Research interests: Cost management in the food industry.
Main works: Objective necessity and regional peculiarities of the mixed economy. Key factors in the development of a mixed economy in the regional context of Tajikistan. Institutional policy of the state factor in the development of the national economy of mixed type. Interregional integration in the system factors in the formation and development of the national economy mixed type.
In accordance with article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Higher Education of Higher Educational Institutions" and paragraph 4 of the Model Regulations on Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, by order of the Rector of the Financial Institute of Tajikistan in № 36/I dated July 9,2010, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit was established as a specialized department. By order of the Rector of FIT № 38/I dated July 12, 2011, the department was divided into two independent departments: "Accounting and Audit" and "Statistics and Analysis". By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan № 227 dated May 11, 2012, the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan was established on the basis of the Financial Institute of Tajikistan and the Economic Institute of Tajikistan. Also, the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan in March 2018, by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, was renamed the Tajik State Financial and Economic University, the Accounting Department at the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics was preserved in the infrastructure of the university. The decision of the Academic Council of TSFEU №1 dated May 30, 2014 and the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan №39 dated May 31, 2014 approved the structure of TSFEU and the composition of the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics. The head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing was appointed Ph.D., Associate Professor S. Rakhimov. By the order of the Rector of TSFEU №114/I dated July 8, 2014, the department was divided into two independent departments: "Accounting", "Audit and Revision ". From November 2014 to January 2019 the head of the Accounting Department was Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Pirakov R.M. and from February 2019 to February 2022, the head of the Accounting Department was Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Madiev S. According to the order of the Rector of TSFEU from 02/16/2022 to the present, the acting head of the Accounting Department is Ph.D., Associate Professor Bobomurodov B.E. In 2009-2012, for the organizational and intelligence activities of the departments, the following programs were included in the list: trainees Ramonov A.M., Rakhimov Z., Rakhimov S.H. Akhmadzhonova S., Soliev N.N. Ismatov A.H., Bobomurodov P.H., Olimov D.A., Sultanova S.M., Sharifova R.N., Tilakmurodova S.D., Rakhimova D.Z., and others. Currently, the following teachers work at the department: Doctor of Economics, Professor Sharipov Z.R., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Madiev S., Candidate of Economics Bobomurodov B. E., Candidate of Economics Olimov D.A., Candidate of Economics Rakhmatov B.K., senior teachers Rakhimov Z., Karimov N.Ya., Ibrokhimov T.R., Sultanova S.M., Sharifova R.N., Kosimov T., assistants Tojiddinova Z.S., Bobomurodov P.H., Tilakmurodova S.D., Mirzozoda A.D., Khukmatov D.J., Abdurakhmonov S., Rajabov S.R. According to the specialties of the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics, the Department of Accounting is one of the leading departments in the country and has close ties with many research institutions and higher educational institutions of the country. In particular, with the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Center for Advanced Training of Agricultural Personnel of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Accounting Department of the Tajik National University, the Accounting Department of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shohtemura and the Accounting Department of the Tajik State University of Commerce. For many years, well-known specialists in the field of economics, industry, agriculture have been working at the department, and teachers of the department teach students in more than 30 disciplines. One of the ultimate goals of the teachers of the department is to provide students with educational materials.
At the same time, teachers of the department teach in the following specialties:
1. Specialty 1-25010800-Accounting, analysis and audit, full-time and part-time education;
2. Specialty 1-25010801-Accounting, analysis and audit in banks by full-time and part-time education;
3. Specialty 1-25010803-Accounting, analysis and audit in budgetary and scientific institutions for full-time and part-time education;
4. Specialty 1-25010805-Accounting, analysis and audit in industry in full-time education;
5. Specialty 1-25010814-Accounting, analysis and audit in foreign economic activity in full-time education;
6. Specialty 1-25010800-accounting, analysis and audit at the Department of Magistracy and specialty 25010800-accounting, analysis and audit at the correspondence department of the 2nd higher education.
The teaching staff of the department created work programs, tests for intermediate control, tickets for final exams, lecture courses in the form of slides, topics of term papers and graduation papers, programs for practical training, a long-term plan of scientific and practical work of teachers of the department in printed and electronic form. The approved scientific direction of the department from 2012 to 2017 on the topic "Issues of reforming accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS, the state of internal and external audit in budgetary and scientific institutions" was fully implemented. The new topics of the scientific direction of the department for 2018 to 2022 are called "Formation of the development of the National Accounting Concept and its role in ensuring the sustainable development of the national economy", approved and the teachers of the department conduct research on this topic. During its existence, the department annually holds conferences, round tables and scientific and practical seminars. The department also has a student scientific circle and other subject circles. The department has a powerful intellectual, logistical and personnel base and trains specialists in specialties that are competitive in the labor market.