Banking Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Muslikhova Tahmina Tagoevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Education: Tax and Legal Institute
The history of appearing department of Bank
By decision of the Council of Scientists of the Tax and Legal Institute №770 from 10 – th of September 2003 year the Department of Banking was formed on the basis of the Department of “Tax, Money Circulation and Credit”. The department began its independent activity on 19 – th September, 2013 by order of the chirman of the Tax and Legal Institute and its first head was d.e.s., Professor D.G. Gulmirzoev. A tangible contribution to the creation and development of the department was made by Gulmirzoev D.G. During the leadership of Gulmirzoev D.G. in order to establish a link between theory and practice, a training bank was opened. This greatly helped students to better understand the educational material and delve deeper into the intricacies of their profession.
The Department of "Banking" trains highly qualified personnel for the banking system of the republic, who meet modern requirements and international standards. Graduates of this department successfully work in various banking institutions of the republic, proving the effectiveness of the educational process of the activities of the Department of Banking. Teaching such disciplines as: "Banking", "Interbank correspondent relations", "Banking risk management", "Banking operations", "Organization of the central bank", "History of banks", "Office work in banks", "Activities of Sberbank", "Financial policy of commercial banks", "Banking innovations", "Electronic innovations in banks", "International banking" and many other subjects contribute to the achievement of the tasks set for the Department of Banking.
Since the day of formation, such prominent scientists with high pedagogical professionalism have worked at the department as: Academic Gulmirzoev D.G., professors Umarov H.U., Mirsaidov A.B., Sultonov Z. associate professors (doctors) Ashurov N., Soliev M.N., Sultonzoda C.U., Donakhonov I.S., Churaev B.M., Ergasheva M., Kurbonov M., Pulodov H.N., Mirazizov A. and other prominent scientists. A galaxy of young scientists grew up from this scientific environment, such as: Khayrov Sh.K., Bobomurodov B.E., Rakhimova A.V., Muslikhova T.T., Kayumova S.R.; assistants Tosheva M.F., and other promising young scientists who have great hopes for the development of this branch of science in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Department of "Banking" strives to continue to actively conduct its activities in the preparation of new young scientists and in the optimization of the learning process with the aim of comprehensive development of the personality of students. During the leadership of Academic Gulmirzoev D.G. Department "Banking" has created a support base and an organized training center for the economy of the republic. The educational building is equipped with the latest technology, and events are being and will be held here that consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students who, with the dictates of their hearts, have chosen this honorable profession. The department worked under the leadership of Gulmirzoev D.G. (2003-2009) Ashurov N (2009-2011), Khairov Sh.K. (2012-2014), Sandalov H. A. (2014-2018), Ashurov G.M. (2019-2020), Gafurov G.S. (2020-2022), Since May 21, 2018, the leadership of the department has been headed by Muslikhova T.T.
The general research theme of the department's activity "Strengthening and providing new types of banking services for the purpose of stable development of the economy" was developed and proposed for use in the course of the department's activities. The scientific direction of the department's activities is divided into seven topics and sub-topics.
Chapter 1. “Approval and provision of new types of banking services and factors in the development of prices for banking services” (features of the development of prices for banking services, the problems of developing interbank relations and ways to solve it, the meaning and theory of banking products, the correspondence of banking services to the needs of the financial market).
Chapter 2. "The role of commercial banks in the development of domestic business" (The influence of banking capital on business development, analysis and approval of sources of capital investment of domestic enterprises and organizations, public debt and management of public debt problems, problems of participation of commercial banks in the process of capital investment of domestic business).
Chapter 3. "Composition of the loan portfolio of commercial banks and ways to improve it" (Banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan in times of crisis, propensity and prospects for the development of banking).
Chapter 4. "Organization of banking activities in the country and ways to improve it" (Improving the system of state activities of banks, charters in the development of financial and monetary policy of the Republic of Tajikistan).
Chapter 5. “Inclination and prospects for the development of banking activities in the Republic of Tajikistan” (Inclination and expansion of the country's banking relations with foreign banks, improvement of the main mechanisms for the operation of Islamic banks in the Republic of Tajikistan).
Chapter 6. "Credit policy of commercial banks", (development of the marketing policy of commercial banks, improvement of the credit market, analysis of factors for the development of bank profits).
Chapter 7. "The prospect of investment in commercial banks." (analysis of the banking sector and its plans for the development of the industry, problems of the process of capital investments of commercial banks in the country's economy).
Since the foundation of the department, the direction of research work and the activities of the department has been in the development of curricula, courses, special seminars, which, by their significance, are of paramount importance for the development of the economic market.
On various issues of banking activities, scientists of the department have developed more than 25 scientific papers and 200 scientific articles. The following textbooks are the fruits of scientific research by the scientists of the department: "Monetary and credit circulation" Ashurova N., Publishing house "Irfon": Dushanbe-2002;
"Banking Risk Management" Ashurov N., Publishing House "Irfon": Dushanbe-2006, "Money, Credit and Bank", Ashurov N., Khairov Sh.K., Mamadkarimov H.Sh., Publishing House "Irfon": Dushanbe-2013 ., "Monetary policy of the Republic of Tajikistan", Ashurov N. Publishing house "Nodir": Dushanbe-2004; "Banking Correspondent Relations", Makhshulov S.Ch., "Matbuot", Dushanbe-2013. "Money, credit and bank", Juraev B.M., publishing house "Irfon": Dushanbe-2006, "Banking risks", Makhshulov S.J., Khodzhaev B.B. ., "Matbuot", Dushanbe - 2022, "Activity of international banks" Muslikhova T.T., Makhshulov S.J., Khojaev B.B. "Matbuot", Dushanbe - 2022, "Innovation in banks", Makhshulov S.J., Khodzhaev B.B., "Matbuot", Dushanbe – 2022, including monographs, scientific articles that have become the property of a wide range of researchers and readers throughout the Republic and beyond outside.
Currently, 1 professor, five candidates of sciences, seven senior lecturers and five assistants are fruitfully working at the department.