Customs and logistics activities Department

History of customs department
The attainment the political independence by the Republic of Tajikistan creates a real basis and preconditions for strengthening the government, determine the course of development of a democratic, secular and legal society.
In a short time, Tajikistan was able to enter the stage of sustainable development and achievements in raising living standards.
With independence and the establishment of statehood, our country, along with other government agencies, needed a body to protect the interests of the state, the economic security of the country. This historically important and honorable mission could only perform customs authorities.
The customs authorities were entrusted with a very important function - ensuring economic security, the fight against drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking, protection of material and cultural values, strengthening foreign trade policy, the completion of the state budget, and they continue honorably to perform these tasks. Qualified specialists play crucial role in the realization of these tasks.
In order to prepare highly qualified specialists of customs in 1998 at the Faculty of Law of the Tax and law Institute there was created the Department of customs under the leadership of Nasriddinov F.B., the Colonel of customs. In 2004 on the base of the Department there was created the Faculty of customs. There were created the Department of customs control organization (Head of Department - Associate Professor Nasriddinov F.B.) and the Department of customs payments and foreign exchange controls (Head of Chair – Associate Professor Mirzoyev I.K). In 2008, due to structural changes these two Departments of the Institute were merged into one Department -the Department of Economic security of customs. In 2010 the Department is divided into customs duties and customs controls (Head of Department – Associate Professor Nasriddinov F.B.) and the Department of the examination and Customs Law (Head of the Department, Major General Customs Service, Ph.D. Hasanov K.H.). September 1, 2011 Head of the Department was appointed PhD. Associate Professor Rakhimov Nuridin Naimovich. In September 2012, through the merger of departments there was formed the department of customs and logistics. In August 2014 the acting head of the department was appointed Associate Professor Mirakov K.M. Currently, the department has qualified and experienced teachers who have made a significant contribution to the training of specialists for the customs authorities. Among them are the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Mirakov K., Ph.D., Associate Professor Nematov I.U., Excellent Customs Service of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel Customs Service, Senior Lecturer Shomudinov O.D., senior teachers - Saidov N.K., Imatchoev Z.H., Djuraev S.N., assistants - Davlatov F.S., Abdulloev S.I., Ilchibekova B.O., Halimkhonov Z.A., Davlatov W.J., Davlatova T.S., operator-clerk Ashurov MT, part-time teachers – Colonel of Customs, PhD, associate professor Nasriddinov F.B., Ph.D., Associate Professor Popov N.A., PhD, Associate Professor Sodikov M.S., senior Lecturer Radjabov B.S., PhD. Nasriddinov B.F., Excellent Customs Service, Chief of Institute for Advanced Studies of Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Lieutenant Colonel of Customs Service Mahmadjonov M.D., a member of Management of combating organized crime (MCOC) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major of Militia Mirzoyev M.O., senior inspector of Institute for Advanced Studies of Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Senior Customs Lieutenant Nozimov A.H., senior inspector of the Republican Customs Department in Dushanbe, Senior Lieutenant of customs service Ibroimov. J.N., Major of customs service Mirzoev R.Sh. Also, in different years there worked of eminent specialists at the Department - Candidate of Economic Sciences Pirov S.A., Nidoev P.F. Specialists of the department teach students more than 40 academic disciplines. One of the primary objectives of teachers is to provide students with methodological and teaching materials. In this regard, by the academic disciplines of the Department, specialties taught for 1 - 960101 - Customs Service, 1 - 96010101 - Legal maintenance of customs activity and 1 - 96010102 - Economic maintenance of customs activity, there are compiled and published the curriculums, syllabuses, exam tests, lectures, presentations, term papers and subjects of final works, program of practices, long-term plans of the research work of teachers of the department on 2012 - 2018 years., plans of practical and educational activities and other teaching and methodological tutorials. The Department actively cooperates with many domestic scientific and educational institutions and international organizations. The transition to market relations and increase the pace of development of customs authorities led to increasing demands for specialists in the field of customs. Therefore, the department task is to improve the quality of education and level of students’ knowledge, to bring them into conformity to the requirements of modern times. Currently, the Customs Department is one of the leading departments of the Faculty of International Economic Relations at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, making substantial contribution to the training of specialists for the customs authorities of the country. By the teachers of the department there were published many scientific works, including 8 monographs, 14 textbooks and more than 200 scientific articles. The works of teachers are mainly devoted to the problems of role and place of customs authorities in ensuring the economic security of the Republic of Tajikistan, improving the organizational and economic mechanism of management of the customs authorities. Also, the scientific student's circle operates at the department. With its powerful intellectual, material, technical and personnel base, the department prepares specialists with ability to compete in the labor market.