Department of audit and revisions

Заведующий кафедрой
Tilabov Yoribek Emomnazarovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Education: Tax and Legal Institute
Disciplines: Fundamentals of audit, theory of Finance, Finance, financial Economics, investment, financial management
Research interests: International standards of audit
About department of audit and revisions
In accordance with Article 18th of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On higher education institutions of higher education" and paragraphs 4th of the Regulation of the organization of higher professional education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan was issued the Decree of the Scientific Council of the Tajik Finance and Economy Institute under № 11/15 on 26th of May 2014. According to this Decree in the structure of Tajik Finance and Economy Institute at the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics was established "Audit and Inspection" Department. In this regard to this issue the rector of Tajik Finance and Economy Institute on 8th of July 2014 was signed an Order number 114/E about creation "Audit and inspection" Department as the Department for preparing specialists in the field of audit and control. Head of the department of audit and inspection was elected Dr. Orzuev P.J. - PhD, Associate Professor. At this time the department has two Ph.D. Associate Professors, and 4 senior teachers. By professors and teachers staff were prepared scientific articles and papers that are published in the various republican editions. In compliance with the state standard of the Ministry of Science and Technology RT in the learning process have been introduced many new subjects, which became the object of development of learning and teaching aids of the department. The department prepares specialists in the following fields:
• «Audit and inspection" (field code 1-25-0111); and
• «Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial enterprises" (field code 1-25-010804).
The department of "Economic theory" is one of the first departments, which was formed in the Institute of Tax and Law and continues its activities on the basis of two departments of the Institutes: the Institute of Economics of Tajikistan and the Institute of Finance of Tajikistan.
In the creation and processes of departments visited many prominent sites. Among them are: Urokov D. U, Ismatova A. H. Aliyev O. M., M. I. Sadriddinov, Boboev I. A., Barview K. H. Predlozhenie., Rasulov M. T., Tahirova R. S., Kolmagorova S. K., senior academic Ahmedjanova S. Y., Mahmudova M. G., Yunusova, A. K., Khakimov Z. R., and course assistants Saidov R. N., Safarov, S. H., A. A. Rakhmonov, Mirzozoda D., Abdullaeva S. F. and Sadridin Shahnoza.
By teachers of the department regularly organizes an open lecture, the results of which are discussed in the meetings of the department. Teachers of the department prepared a lot of textbooks and teaching manuals, programs and syllabuses, which are used by department staff and students of the institute. Department staff are actively involved in educational and cultural activities at the Tajik Finance and Economy Institute.
Scientific direction of the Department (2018-2022) according to the research of TSUFE from January 22, 2018 is indicated as follows: Promising areas of formation of audit and state financial control in the Republic of Tajikistan. According to the five-year plan of research at the Department, each teacher gradually carries out research work.