Department of Humanities

Nosirov Sadullo Shukrulloevich
Associate Professor
Кабинет: Бинои таълимии 5, утоқи 206
Education: Tajik international university of foreign Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda
Disciplines: Pedagogy and psychology of higher education, Psychology of professional activity, Sociology
History of the Department
Department of Humanities is one of the leading departments of the JINR among other departments of the institute. It was created by order of the rector № 1 / 6.2 of 30 May 2012 and provides training and educational, scientific and methodical work in the humanities, who laid its scope and including history of tajik people, philosophy, political science, cultural studies, sociology, pedagogy, professional psychology and professional ethical.
The department employs 26 teachers, including 1 professor, 2 associate professor, 11 candidates of sciences as acting assistant professor, 8 senior teachers and 4 assistants, who, in addition to educational work, which is their primary responsibility, are active in scientific research scientific and methodical work. Certain scientific advice of institute on 2013-2014 school year general subjects on scientifically -исследовательской works that marks the name "The Specific features, conformities to law and methodology of government control of industries of economy of Tajikistan and her development in the conditions of globalization".
With the purpose of realization of the set research works and their realization in practice, by a department different theoretical, research and practice and scientifically-methodical conferences, seminars, round and other forms of research and scientifically-methodical work table, get organized and conducted.
The faculty advisors of department accept active voice also and on the different theoretical, research and practice and scientifically-methodical conferences of republican and international scale. For example, on conducted in ТНУ of research and practice conference that was sanctified to the 22year of state independence of Tajikistan, took part and came forward with lectures associate professors of A. Mullojonov, N. Tojov, S. Imomov. On conducted in TSU and SI at President of Republic of Tajikistan to the research and practice conference that was sanctified to the philosophical looks of НосираХусрава, and also accepted families and demographics participation and came forward with the corresponding lectures of item teacher of department A. Tursunova. An associate professor A. Mullojonov took part and came forward with a lecture on republican scientifically - praktical conducted inTNU.
On a department considerable work is executed and published plenty of reasons, monographs, educational programs and recommendations, and also row of fundamental train aid on the different disciplines taught on a department. For example, in 2013-2014 school an associate professor G. Mirsoev is publish train aid on philosophy in a volume 35 of of p. He published in 2014 a textbook on discipline the "International relations" in the volume of 21 of p.
Large work is conducted by the associate professors of A. Mullojonov, G. Mirsoev, H. Usupov, N. Tojov, M. Mangitov, S.Nosirov, Q.Homidova, Ch.Nasridinov, A.Aminsoda, that in 2013-2014 school published on two-three on-line tutorials and train aid on disciplines of history of the Tajik people, philosophy, political science and kulturalojgy.
Successful work of faculty advisors is characterized by volume of by the amount of the published works. For example, since creation of institute (2012) in a current school year they are publish more than 200 reasons of different character, more than 50 scientifically-methodical works, 12 scientifically-methodical recommendations on the improvement of scientifically by an educator work, 3 monographs, 12 train aid on different disciplines of department.
Considerable work comes true by a department on bringing in of student young people to research work. To that end on a department the scientific group " of Рузгорон", that is managed by an item teacherU. Saburov, is organized. The members of the adopted group are more than 60 students of institute. On a department organized and actively two other groups function also: "Тамаддун"(civilization) and "Педагоги чавон"(Yong of tech), the members of that are more than 90 students. On the whole, on different measures took part in current 2013-2014 school year more than 140 students of institute, that brightly characterizes mass character of their participating in research work of department.
The department attaches great importance to the participation of students and college vezhegodno held national competitions. In the February 2014 Olympics institute 3rd party won the first place in philosophy, political science and the history of the Tajik people and are preparing to participate in the national competition to be held in April 2014goda in Khujand.
It should be stated that the institution of higher education institutions there are only five years. Despite his youth and lack of experience and skills to participate in such events, the students, along with other departments, and annually win prize-winning places in the disciplines promoted by the Department of Humanities.For example, in the competition held in 2012-2013 academic year, a student of the 1st course of the Faculty of Management and Finance Law Olimjon Khasanov took 3rd place in the history of the Tajik people. In the competition held in 2013-2014 academic year, a student of 3rd course of the financial and credit faculty Zafari Saidqul took 1st place in philosophy and resentment Miraziz took 2nd place in the political science student 2-year student of the same faculty.
The foregoing demonstrates that the Department has successfully fulfilled its tasks for the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the needs of the national economy and outlines the future is even more ambitious targets for improving the quality of educational, research and scientific and methodical work.