Economic Analysis Department and statistics

Shodiev Kuhzod Kurbanbaevich
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Кабинет: 301
Education: Institute of Economics of Tajikistan
Research interests: Organizational and economic foundations for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture (based on materials from the Sughd region)
Research work: Organizational and economic foundations for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture (based on materials from the Sughd region)
Main works: 1. Monograph: Organizational and economic foundations for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan / Recommended for publication by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Tajik State Finance and Economics University dated December 25, 2020 Protocol No. 6/5 2. Textbooks: "Analysis of the economic activity of agricultural enterprises" Dushanbe 2020. p. 400. 3. Teaching aids: "Theory of Economic Analysis" Dushanbe 2012. page 221 4. Teaching aids: "Analysis of the economic activity of agricultural enterprises" Resolution of FEIT dated 22.06.2017. Dushanbe 2017 Research Article: 1. Issues of industrialization and development of small and medium-sized businesses in rural areas of the Republic of Tajikistan. Bulletin of Osh State University No. 3, 2018 of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. 2. Tax incentives and attracting foreign investment in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, Bulletin of the Tajik National University, Department of Economic Sciences, no. 10, p. 71-76., Dushanbe 2018 3. Tax incentives for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tajikistan., Bulletin "Izvestia" of the Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors of Central Asian Countries No. 3 (22) 2018 of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. 4. The role of entrepreneurial activity in the development of industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan, Theoretical and scientific-practical journal 2 Farmer (Kishovarz) - Dushanbe 2018. 5. Development of industrial enterprises as the main applied direction of the militarization of the policy of import substitution, Message of the National University of Tajikistan, the sphere of economic sciences No. 3, art. 127-134, Dushanbe 2019 6. Forms of financial impact on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture: Regional aspect // Kishovarz, (Farmer). Dushanbe. 2019.- No. 3. (83). - S. 137-141
The Economic analysis Department of (now the Economic analysis and statistics Department) has been established by the Decision of the Scientific Council and the order of the rector of the Institute of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan №44-d/n dated 27.08.2012 "On the establishment and structure of departments" on the basis of departments of Business economics (2006) -2009), Analytical economics (2009-2010), Labor market and economic analysis (2010-2012) on the basis of the unification of two institutes - the Institute of Economics of Tajikistan and the Tajik Financial Institute and the establishment of the Institute of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan, in the structure of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty. Also, in March 2018, by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Institute of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan was renamed into the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics.
The Statistics department (now the Economic analysis and statistics department) was established in 2012 as an educational and scientific unit of the accounting and statistics faculty on the basis of the departments of accounting and auditing (since 1997), accounting and statistics (since 2006), accounting and statistics (since 2009).
It should be noted that by the order of the rector of the university No. 196/Ш from 4.09.2023 on unification of departments and transfer to another permanent job, the Economic analysis department and Statistics department were united and operate under the name of the Economic analysis and statistics department.
The staff and teachers of the department consists of 15 people, including: 1 Doctor of economic sciences, Professor; 4 candidates of economic sciences, Associate professors; 2 Senior teachers; 8 people are assistants of teacher and 1 person is an operator of the department. Among them, Associate Professor Shodiev Kuhzod Qurbanboevich (Head of the department), Associate Professor Rustam Rahmatovich Qudratov, Associate Professor Urunboev Abdumukhtor, Associate Professor Madiev Sa’dikhoja, candidate of economic sciences Kholov Rustam Shermahmadovich, senior teachers Emomov Muhamad Davlatovich, Hakimov Sadullo Nazrievich, assistants Hakimov Aminjon Saimijonovich, Juliev Muzaffar Halimovich, Akimov Saidjon Muradmadovich, Izatulloev Muhammadsaid Nasimjonovich, Odinaev Abdukholiq Satorovich, Davlatova Nargis Izzatovna, Abdulloeva Shahnoza Faizilakhmatovna, Davlatyorova Bibigul Jumaevna and operator of the department - Safarova Sabrina Bahromnovna.
The department is engaged in the training of specialists by specialty of 1-25010201-analytical economics, 1-26010301-state regulation of the national economy and 1-25010500-statistics.
From the beginning of its establishment, the department has conducted its activities based on the educational plan, decisions and instructions of the rector, decisions of the Scientific Council of University, and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. The teachers of the department develop the educational and methodical programs and syllabi of specialized subjects of the department. It is worth noting that the Economic analysis and statistics department prepares specialists who meet international standards.
Also, for many years, well-known experts in the fields of economy, industry, agriculture and teachers of the department teach students more than 40 educational subjects, including; "Economic analysis", "Employment and labor migration", "Financial analysis", "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and business planning", "National economy", "Planning and foresight in the economy", "Managing the development of the green economy", "Statistics", Financial statistics", "Tourism statistics", "Balance of payments", "Macroeconomic statistics", "Banking statistics", "Customs statistics", "Analysis of financial statements", "Financial planning and financial control", "Income and wage policy", "Analysis of business processes", "Economic analysis of the complex of economic activities", "State regulation of the national economy", "State regulation of the KAS economy", "Manufacturing entrepreneurship", "State finance statistics", "Business statistics", "Regional management and planning" ", "Future of national economy", "Investment analysis", "Labor market", "Labor market analysis", "Management analysis in industries", "Theory of economic analysis", "Introduction to the specialty (3-specialty)", "General theory statistics", "Social statistics", "Industrial statistics", "Agricultural statistics", "Methods of conducting statistical research in enterprises", "Systemic analysis", "Statistics of foreign economic activity", "Multidimensional statistical methods", "Legal statistics", "Economics of real estate", "Fundamentals of security and competitiveness", "Balance of payments and national account system".
It should be noted that the Economic analysis and statistics department is a base department and it has cooperation agreements with the State Institution "Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan" and the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan from 2023 to 2030.
The direction of the department's scientific-research activities is "Analysis of the conditions and influencing factors to ensure the sustainable development of the national economy" (supervisor of the subject,, Associate Professor Shodiev K.K.) and "Economic-statistical analysis of ensuring the sustainable development of the national economy" (supervisor of the subject,, Kholov R.Sh.), and its implementation period is until 2027. 14 lecturers of the department, including 1 –, professor and 4 – Associate professors are engaged in the implementation of the department's scientific-research work plan. The department has a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of analytical economics, state regulation of the national economy and statistics, and evaluates fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of its activities. Scientific researches at the department are carried out in accordance with the development process of the national economy. The lecturers of the department have a higher qualification in the field of economics and other issues related to the national economy.