Economics and Management Department

к.э.н., доцент
Nuriddinov Sunatullo Zubaydulloevich
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Кабинет: 408
Department of State and Local Government and Rector’s Order of 09/18/2009 Created under No. 521.
As a result of the merger of the two institutions, the Institute of Economics of Tajikistan and the Financial Institute of Tajikistan, the educational institution was transformed into the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan. In accordance with the order of the rector of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan (Mirboboev R.M.), the department was renamed by order No. 53/25 of July 2012, and the Department of Economics and Management was established on the basis of the former department of state and local self-government.
Also, according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 25, 2018 No. 169, the State Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan will be transformed into the educational institution “Tajik State Financial and Economic University”. Based on the Decision of the Academic Council of the Institute, the Department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Management and Economic Law was renamed the Department of Economics of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship and the structure of the faculty. Economics and business have been carried out and still act as a specialty.
Heads of the Department:
- from 2009 to 2010, the head of the department was Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sh.Jonmamadov
- from 2010 to 2011, the head of the department, Ph.D., associate professor Mirakilova N.T.
- from 2011 to 2013, the head of the department, Ph.D., professor Vokhidov V.V.
- from January 18, 2013 to 2017, the head of the department is a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor A.A. Khojakhonov;
- candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Shomadova N.S. Head of the Department of Economics and Management since 06/30/2018, Acting Head of the Department of Economics of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship, and from 11/13/2018 Head of the Department of Economics of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship.
The Department of Economics of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship is one of the most important educational and scientific components of the structure of DEC, which organizes research, educational, methodological and educational work of students and makes a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.
The department employs experienced teachers of economic specialties: 1 candidate, candidate of economic sciences. and one technical worker Safarova Sayyora Khaidarovna works and contributes to the development of the department.
The department trains specialists in the following areas:
- 1-26010101 - State and local administration (training specialists on issues related to the activities of state and local and regional government bodies, as well as public servants at the state and local levels).
- 1-25010728 - Economics and management in SMEs (trained specialists in the field of economic management, economics of SMEs, firms, corporations, various organizations and, in general, in all sectors of the economy of SMEs).
- 1-26020212 - Human Resource Management (highly qualified personnel management, economist - manager, public servants and local and private management).