Foreign Language Department

Khuseynova Gulpari Adjikulloevna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Кабинет: Бинои таълимии IV
Education: Tajik State Pedagogical University
Main works: 1. Monograph: "Comparative lexicographic analysis of general Tajik-Russian dictionaries", Dushanbe, 2021. (106 p.). Printing house, TSFEU. 2. Study guide: "Le Français (le français économique)", Dushanbe-2015, 408 pages. 3. Study guide: "Instructions for extracurricular work in English", Dushanbe, 2015. Publishing house "Er-Graf", 112 p., 7 pp. 4. Study guide: “Tajik-Russian-French Phrasebook”, Dushanbe, 2017. “Ashuriyon” Publishing House, 192 pages, 12 sheets. 5. Study guide: “Manual for the development of independent reading skills in English for students of economic specialties”, Dushanbe, 2017. Printing house, “Er-graph”, 120 pages, 7.5 p.p. 6. Study guide: “Grammar of the French language”, Dushanbe, 2021, Ed. “Ashuriyon”, 168 pages. 7. Study guide: “English Grammar and Economic Texts”, Dushanbe, 2021, Ed. “Ashuriyon”, 168 pages. 8. Textbook: “English for Economists”, Dushanbe, 2021. 9. Scientific article: “Macrostructural features of the Tajik-Russian dictionary, edited by D. Saimiddinov”, Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Philology series. - Dushanbe 2015, pp. 82-86. 10. Scientific article: “Methods of translating lexical units in general Tajik-Russian dictionaries”, Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Philology series. - Dushanbe 2015, pp. 67-71. 11. Scientific article: “From the history of the creation of common Tajik-Russian dictionaries”, Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Philology series. – Dushanbe 2015, pp. 64-68. 12. Scientific article: “Comparative analysis of the use of grammatical marks on the example of the
The History of the department of foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages was established by the rector’s order of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan No. 41/4 dated in May 11, 2012 as a general university department.
During the existence managers of the department were: from 2012 to 2013, candidates of philological sciences: associate professor Sobirzhonov S., from 2013 to 2014, Dadajonova I.B., from 2014 to 2022, Tuygunov N. X. Since February 2022, the department managing by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Huseynova G.A.
The Department of Foreign Languages teaches English and French. The department trains specialists with knowledge of language. This department was established as an independent department on the basis of the Department of Languages in September 2012. The department has 16 teachers, including 4 candidates of sciences, 2 associate professors, 6 senior teachers and 7 assistants. English and French are taught at the University in the specialty and in general.
The department has a scientific and methodological council, and teachers monthly make presentations and exchange experiences. Teachers are also engaged in research work and present their scientific reports at the republican conferences and round tables. There is a club called "Knowing English is knowing the world". Active students of the institute, who were once members of the Olympic team of the department, will make various presentations at the club. Timed to coincide with different historical dates, parties and various cultural events are also held. One of the main tasks of the department is to provide students with educational and methodological materials. Like, curricula, programs, lecture sets and quizzes Open classes are regularly held by teachers of the department, which are discussed at meetings of the department. The teachers of the department have developed many teaching aids, textbooks and dictionaries, which are very helpful to students. Teachers of the department participate in all educational activities of the university.
The department works in 2 directions:
- 1. Problems of improvement of methods of teaching of a foreign language in the conditions of globalization.;
- 2. Structural-semantic typological analysis of Economic terms: