International finance and Credit Relations Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Ubaydulloev Faridullo Karimovich
Associate Professor
Кабинет: 103
Education: Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini (1994) and the Faculty of Economics of the Tax and Legal Institute (2001).
Disciplines: International stock exchanges, global financial markets
Research work: The category of “justice” in the system of distributive economic relations in the views of medieval Tajik thinkers
Main works: Publications: Tamadduni oriyo: tashakkul va gustarish, D., 2004; Imomi Azam: zindagi, mazhab va vasoyo / monograph - Dushanbe: “Irfon”, 2009; Mukhtasari tarikh va furuti maktabi hanafi / Ҷoygoҳi Imomi Azam dar tamadduni islomi, D., 2009; The role of Imam Azam in the history of Islamic civilization / Place of Imam Azam in the culture of Islam and the world, D., 2009; On the issue of periodization of the economic history of the Tajik people, D., 2014; History and theory of taxation, D., 2015; History of economic thought, D., 2017; Financial activity and financial partnership according to early Muslim thinkers, D., 2018; Conceptual foundations of the socio-economic thought of the Tajik people during the Middle Ages, D, 2019; Distributive economic relations and the category of “justice” in the views of Tajik medieval thinkers / monograph – Dushanbe: “Irfon”, 2020; Retrospective analysis of the interpretation of distributive justice as an economic category, D., 2021; “Kitab-al-Kharaj” - books on public financial management, D., 2021; Institute of “financial partnership” in retrospect, D., 2021, Financial and socio-economic essence of “sunset” according to medieval legal schools, 2021; Irtiboti mutakobilai subjecthoi munosibatchoi moliyavi va tashakkuli rafteri moliyavii khonavodakho, 2021; “Siyosatnoma”-i Nizomulmulk – dasturamal oid ba idorakuni moliyai davlati, 2022; The problem of the Asian mode of production and its reflection in the book “Tajiks” by academician B. Gafurov, 2023; From the history of economic thought of the Tajik people: economic thoughts of Abu Nasr Farabi, 2023, etc.
History of the "International financial and credit relations" Department
The Department of International Financial and Credit Relations of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial and Economic Institute of Tajikistan was created on June 26, 2012 as a specialized department. Currently, the activities of the department are based on two specialties 1-25010407 – Finance and credit in foreign economic activity and 1-25010305 – International investments at the undergraduate (full-time and part-time) and master’s levels.
The head of the department from the date of its creation (2012) to 2017 was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Sadikov Metarkhan Sokibekovich. From 2017 to August 31, 2019, the head of the department was entrusted to the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Anis Kurbonuddinovich Alamshoev. From August 31, 2019 to February 9, 2024, the head of the department was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Burieva Mastura Chorievna. From February 9, 2024, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Ubaidulloev Faridullo Karimovich was appointed acting head of the department.
The department has attracted 6 full-time teachers, 3 internal and 2 external employees. The contribution of such outstanding teachers as Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Saidmuradov L.Kh., Candidates of Science Solekhzoda A.A., Mirboboev R.M., Khudoev M.N., Kadyrov F.A. etc. is of great importance in the development of the department. Currently, each students at the department experienced teachers, candidates of sciences P.N. Usmonov, K.G. Yakubova, and senior teacher T.H. Eshbekov and assistants Khakimov M.A. and Safarova G.H.
The Department of International Financial and Credit Relations is one of the most important educational and scientific components of the structure of the Tajik State Financial and Economic University (TSFU) and from the date of its establishment it has organized the educational, scientific and educational activities of students in accordance with the instructions and parting words of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President country, respected Emomali Rahmon, regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the TSFEU Charter and instructions and instructions from the university management, carries out education and training based on State education standards and approved educational plans, makes a significant contribution to training of highly qualified specialists.
Teachers of the department constantly participate in international seminars and conferences with scientific reports, thereby strengthening the department’s ties with other higher educational institutions abroad (Russian Federation, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Germany, Cyprus, Georgia, Poland).
The topic of the department’s scientific work, according to the long-term plan for the department’s research activities, approved for 2023-2027, is “Development of international financial and credit relations of the Republic of Tajikistan in the context of globalization.” General scientific leadership according to this plan is entrusted to Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAST Saidmuradzoda L.Kh. Scientific work in this direction continues.