Digital economy and logistics

Заведующий кафедрой
Gafurov Parviz Dzhurakhonovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Кабинет: 208
Education: Таджикский национальный университет
Disciplines: Mathematical Methods and Research Operations in Economics, Econometrics, Methods of statistical analysis and forecasting, Modeling and computer processing of economic data, Macroeconomic modeling using information technology, Expert Assessment Methods, Econometric Packages, Information Systems and Technologies in Economics.
Main works: BUILDING A MACROECONOMIC MODEL FOR TAJIKISTAN (In English and Russia), Bulletin (Analytical and theoretical papers), Several aspects to GDP modeling and forecasting in Tajikistan, Bulletin (Analytical and theoretical papers), Government Revenue Model in Tajikistan, Econometric modelling of Consumer Price Indices and Index of Exchange Market Pressure, Small Econometric Model of Tajikistan as a Tool for Macroeconomic Policy Assessments and Forecasts, Actuarial calculations in life insurance. Web-Design (Study guide), Macroeconomic modeling using information technology, Expert Assessment Methods, Econometric Packages, Information Systems and Technologies in Economics (Training programs), Mathematical Methods and Research Operations in Economics, Econometrics, Macroeconomic modeling using information technology, Expert Assessment Methods, Econometric Packages, Information Systems and Technologies in Economics (Lectures).
The History of the department of Digital economy and logistics
The Department of Digital Economy and Logistics, which operated under the name of the Department of Mathematical and Information Modeling until 2022, was established in 2012 as an educational and scientific unit of the Faculty of Information Technology in Economy on the basis of the former Departments of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies (2003), Applied Informatics (2006), Information Technology (2009), Information Technology and Logistics (2009) and Mathematical and Information Modeling (2012).
Due to the demand for the establishment of specialties of digital economy and economic cybernetics, from November 1, 2022, the name of the "mathematical and information modeling" department was changed to "digital economy and logistics". From the beginning of its establishment until 2012, the department was headed by Professor Mirzoakhmedov F.M. From 2012 to February 2018, the department was headed by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Rajabov F.S. From February 10, 2018 to March 2020, the department was headed by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Najmiddinov A.M. From December 1, 2020 until now, the department has been headed by candidate of economic sciences, docent Gafurov P.J.
The department conducts research on the trend of "Using economic-mathematical, informational models in the conditions of the digital economy". The main requirement of the department is the training of specialists in specialties 1-3103060104-information technology in economics, 1-26020323-logistics, 1-31030407-information technologies in financial systems, 1-25011026-digital economics; 1-31030602 – economic cybernetics.
Upon graduation, students have a dual qualification of “mathematician-economist”, “marketing-economist”, “mathematician-programmer”, “economist-informatics” and “cybernetics-economist” and work in the economic and social spheres, including analytical centers, finance, banking, tax, customs, insurance, etc.