Systems and Information Technology Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Nusratzoda Muhammadi Nusrat
Candidate of Economics Sciences
Ауд.: Бинои таълимии I
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: information management, network marketing, information systems in the economy
Research interests: Development market infrastructure of the region
Research work: Development of market infrastructure in the border areas of the Republic of Tajikistan
Main works: Control of information systems in banks (study guide), Informational management (study guide), Methods credit risk mitigation//Bulletin of the Tajik national university №2/6 (120) Dushanbe-2013. С.24-26 (article), Mechanisms of formation and management of market infrastructure in the region // Bulletin of the Tajik national university. 2016. № 2-2 (197). С. 37-41 (article), Features of the formation of market infrastructure institutions in the border areas of the Republic of Tajikistan // Competitiveness in a global world: economics, science, technology. 2016. № 8-1 (20). С. 35-37 (article), The main directions of development of market infrastructure of the border regions of the Republic of Tajikistan // Economics and Management: problems, solutions. 2017. Т. 1. № 1. С. 144-149 (article), Institutional framework for the formation and development of market infrastructure in the border areas of the Republic of Tajikistan // Financial economics . 2018. № 8. С. 155-159.(article), Development of customs infrastructure of frontier areas of the Republic of Tajikistan // Bulletin of the Tajik national university- 2018. № 10, С. 35-41 (article), The role of information technology in marketing development // Kishovarz №1 (81) 2019, стр. 207-210.(article), Paymentability as a factor of development of credit organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan // Bulletin of the Tajik national university №6 Dushanbe: -2019.С.31-37.(article).
The History of the Accounting Department
Chair of stock exchanges and securities as a teaching and research unit of the faculty "Finance and Credit" was established in accordance with Article 18 of the Law "On higher vocational education institutions of higher education" and 4 of the Model provisions on professional education as well as the order of the rector of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan under 53 and on June 25,2012. Acting head of Department "Stock exchanges and securities" was appointed senior lecturer Pulodov H.N.. December 3,2012 decision of the Academic council of the Institute on the appointment of the supervisor of the department, the contest has been chosen PHD, associate professor Muminov А.B. Then C.E.'s associate professor Karaev R.H. on the order of the rector of 12.06.2018 under No.150/111 was transferred from the position of assistant professor of economic theory of TGFEU to the position of head of the Department of Exchange Affairs of the Faculty of Finance and Credit. The main requirement is the creation of the department contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists in the modern stage. Agent for the securities market RT departments development and marketing of the securities market, private firms and associations, banks and insurance companies, investment and pension funds and others. Commercial organizations need professional knowledge in the economy, stock market statistics and computer technology, which are interrelated. In 2011,at the department of "Banking" former Finance Institute of Tajikistan created a special "Stock Market". In 2013,the first graduates of the specialty "Stock Market" young faculty "Exchange business and securities" graduated from college. The transition to a market economy and International standards doubled the requirement for qualified specialist in the sphere of the stock market in all the structures of the stock market in all the structures of the economy. Thats why the department tasked with impoving the quality education and knowledge of students as well as their compliance with current requirements. Department of their curricular and guidelines is in line with current requirements and learning processes that meet the new conditions of education and management. Now the department of "Stock exchange and securities" is one of the major departments of the faculty "Finance and Credit", which is valuable contribution to the training of specialty in the sphere of the national economy.