Statistics Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Kholov Rustam Shermuhamadovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Кабинет: 406
Ауд.: Бинои таълимии III
The Department of Statistics was founded in 2012 in the structure of the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics on the basis of the departments of Accounting and Auditing (1997), Accounting and Statistics (2006), Accounting and Statistics (2009).
The need for the creation of the department is associated with the need to train highly qualified modern specialists for the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, departments for the development and marketing of enterprises, private companies and associations, banks and insurance companies, investment, pension funds and other commercial organizations that require professional knowledge in the field of economics , statistics and computer technology.
The Department of Statistics, being one of the most important structural units of the Tajik State Financial and Economic University (TSFEU) omor, since its inception has been carrying out educational, scientific, methodological and educational activities in accordance with the decrees and instructions of the Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rakhmon, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Charter of the TSFEU, orders and instructions of hands University on the basis of State educational standards and contributes to the training of qualified specialists.
The Department of Statistics is currently teaching students in the specialty 1-25010500 - Statistics.
Also, for many years, the leading experts in economics, statistics and teachers teach more than 21 disciplines at the department. One of the ultimate goals of the department is to provide students with educational materials. At the same time, educational programs, academic programs, syllabuses for the credit system of education, tests for intermediate and final exams, lecture courses, including in the form of presentations, topics of term papers and graduate work, have been compiled for academic disciplines of the statistics department by associate professors and teachers of the department practical training, a long-term plan of research work of teachers in print and electronic form.
The department is fully provided with technical means, including three computers, an Internet line, and teachers have the opportunity to use them widely.
The teaching staff of the department is engaged in research work on the scientific profile of the department, holds conferences, round tables, scientific and practical seminars on topical issues of science and parkica.
The department has a powerful intellectual and material potential and trains specialists who are competitive in the labor market.
In 2011, the first graduates of the specialty "business statistics" completed their studies. The transition to market relations and international standards has increased the requirements for the level of training of qualified specialists in the field of statistics. Therefore, the department was given the task of improving the quality of training and the level of knowledge of students in accordance with the requirements of the present.
Heads of the department: until 2015 - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Soliev N.N; 2015-2019 - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M. Burieva; From September 2019 to the present - Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor Imatshoev Z.Kh.
Today, the Department of Statistics is one of the leading departments of the Department of Accounting and Statistics, and contributes to the training of specialists for various sectors of the national economy. Experienced teachers work at the department - Ph.D., associate professor Pulodov Kh.N; Ph.D., Associate Professor Buriev M.J .; Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Imatshoev Z.Kh., Senior Lecturers Mamadrizoeva M.N., Kholov R.Sh., Burkhonov B.J., Assistants Izatulloev M.N., Odinaev A.S., Soliev B. N.
Also at the department are taught Ph.D., associate professor Soliev N.N. - Head of the financial and analytical planning department of the National Bank of Tajikistan, S. Mirzoev - Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Tajik National University.