Tax and Taxation Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Mukimov Kudbuddin Mirzojonovich
Candidate of Economics Sciences
Кабинет: 105
Ауд.: Бинои таълимии I
Education: Tax and Legal Institute
History of the Department of “Tax and taxation”
Tax and taxation department is one of the constituent elements of the Financial economics and taxation Faculty and occupies a specific place in the training of qualified specialists in the fields of tax and taxation.
The activities of the Department in the field of teaching, methodical, scientific - research and educational work is being done through the programs and requirements provided for higher education institutions for today. Department of tax and taxation is formed in accordance with the order No. 1/6.2 of 30.05.2012 of the rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan and carries outs its activities in accordance with the established of workloads in traditional and credit forms of teaching.
The department of tax and taxation is a graduate department in the specialty of tax and taxation 1-25010403. In the preparation of the specialists the Department is contributed by the Tax Committee, State customs Committee and other organizations and enterprises. In 1997 the head of the Department of tax and taxation was appointed Oimahmadov G.N. candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor. In 1998 on the basis of the Department of tax and taxation there was formed the Finance and credit Department, and the head of that Department was assigned Oimahmadov G. N., for the post of head of the tax and taxation Department there was appointed Begmatov A.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor.
Later in 2003 by order #370-d/n of 10.09.2003 of the rector of the Tax law Institute on the basis of the "Finance and credit" Department there was formed “Finance” and “Banking” Departments. For the post of the head of the “Banking” department was appointed Gulmirzoev D.G., candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor and for the "Finance" department was appointed Oimahmadov G.N., candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor. According to the order #44-d/n of 1st February 2010 of the rector of the Institute of economics of Tajikistan "On formation and structure of the departments”, on the basis of "Finance" and "Tax and taxation" Departments was established “Finance and taxes" Department as a body of the “Economics and Finance” faculty.
The “Tax and taxation" department was established according to the order #1/6.2 of 15.08.2020 of the rector of FEIT, , the head of the Department is Shukurov S.M., candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor.