World Economy and International Trade Department

Sodikov Metarhon Sokibekovich
PhD, Associate Professor
Кабинет: 205
Education: Tax and Law Institute
Disciplines: investment, international financial and credit relations, Price in foreign trade, foreign investment
Research interests: Economic evaluation of investments
Research work: Realization of interests of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of formation of a new model of economic integration (on the example of the SCO)
Main works: 1. Experience and development of foreign investment. Message of the National University of Tajikistan. Section of socio-economic and social sciences. 2020. № 9. 9. 9 .. 228-233 2. Features of the development of economic integration of Central Asian countries. Actual problems of economics and law in the conditions of globalization. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference devoted to the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan., May 29, 2021. С. 463-473 3. Economic priorities of the Republic of Tajikistan in the context of cooperation with the SCO countries. Scientific and political journal of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. №2 (51) 2021. С.43-54 4. peculiarities of development of trade and economic relations of RT within the framework of SCO. Financial and Economic Bulletin. № 2 (26) 2021. p. 43-54. 63-70 Co-author 0,4 5. Foreign investment and sustainable economic development: general and specialization. Message of Economics of Finance and Economics of Economics is 3 (27) 2020 Co-author 0,4 6. economic assessment of the transition potential of the Republic of Tajikistan and its role in the development of economic integration processes. Entertainment Republican scientific conference on the topic of the mechanism of realization of accounting policy in accordance with the industrial conditions of the country: reality and prospects ". Dushanbe , TSFEU, 2021.26-265 7. The role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the system of interstate relations. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tajikistan in the Modern Regime of International Credit and Credit Relations" (Dushanbe, November 26, 2002) p. 92-96. 92-96 8. Development of Investment Cooperation of RT with SCO Countries. Sodikov M.S. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of socio-economic and social sciences. 2021. № 2. С. 68-76 9. Prospects of realization of transit potential of the Republic of Tajikistan within the SCO. Sodikov M.S. Economy of Tajikistan. 2021. № 3. С. 249-257. 10. Features of trade, economic and investment interactions of China with the countries of Central Asia. Sodikov Metarkhon Sokibekovich. Finansovo-ekonomicheskiy vestnik. 2021. № 4 (28). С. 84-91 13. Foreign experience of organization of banking systems. Olimov D.M. Finansovo-ekonomicheskii vestnik. № 3 (27). Dushanbe,2021. С.194-201. ISSN2663-0389. 14. The nature of economic aspects of the use of natural resources in foreign countries Sodikov M.S.,Zuhurov B.I. Message of finance and economics. 2023. № 2 (36). с 89-98 15. Development of banking system of foreign countries in the context of globalization. International scientific practical conference on realization of export and import policy in the context of globalization. TSFEU 23.12.2023. Coll. 123-132. 16. Analysis of financing of investment processes in the Republic of Tajikistan. International scientific practical conference on implementation of export and import policy in the context of globalization. TSFEU 23.12.2023. Sat. 12-24.
History of the Department
The department of world economy and international trade is created in 2010 on material and personnel base of chairs of the international business, customs payments and currency control in structure of faculty of the international economic relations of Institute of economy of Tajikistan. Need of formation of chair is caused by need for training of professional specialists in specialization "The international business" for the companies and associations, commercial banks, investment and pension funds, other commercial enterprises and the organizations.
The former chair of customs payments and currency control was formed according to the resolution of the Academic council of institute of August 16, 2004 and "The organizer of customs affairs" trained specialists in specialization.
Candidate of Economic Sciences Mirzoyev Ibrahim was the first head of the department. In 2006 Due to the transition to other work instead of it Candidate of Economic Sciences Davlatov H.M. was elected the head of the department. Since 2007 along with the specialty "Organizer of Customs Affairs", reception also on the specialty "International Business" is carried out.
In different years on chair taught: Mirzoyev I. – Cand.Econ.Sci. the associate professor (the head of the department in 2004 - 2006), Kurbanov A. – Dr.Econ.Sci. of the acting professor (2008-2009gg.), Koshonova M. – Dr.Econ.Sci. of the acting professor (2007-2010gg.), Dr.Econ.Sci. professor Gafurov Hushvakht (2007-2012gg.), Dr.Econ.Sci. professor Vakhidov Vakhob Vakhidovich (2007-2012gg.), Abdullaev S. – the assistant (2005-2009gg.), Sharipov N. – the assistant (2005 – 2009gg.), Shamsiyev N. – the senior teacher (2004-2008gg.), Kakhkhorov Maksud – the senior teacher (2007-2012), Cand.Econ.Sci. Gardens Mekhtarkhon Sokhibekovich (2005-2012gg.), Davlatov F.S. – the assistant (2006-2008), Nidoyev P. – the assistant (2004-2008gg.) Fayzulloyeva of Sarvinoz – the assistant (2007-2012). Now the following regular teachers work at chair: Cand.Econ.Sci. associate professor Davlatshoyeva Zarina Mekhtarbodovna (department chair), Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Dzhonmakhmadov Shermakhmad Bekmakhmadovich, senior teachers Nuriddinov Sunnatullo Ubaydulloyevich Zubaydulloyevich, Odinayev Boymurod, Nabiyeva Davlatbakht of Madzhidovn, Fayzulloyev Sarvinoz Dzhumayevna, assistant Shodiyev Kamariddin Sodikovich and operator of chair Sultonzoda Munzifa.
Since the moment of creation the chair carries out the activity on the basis of the curriculum, orders, instructions and decisions of the management of institute, decisions and resolutions of the Academic council of institute, Orders and orders of the Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan.