
Temurbekova Sofia Davronbekovna
PhD, Associate Professor
Кабинет: 107
E-mail: s.temurbekova@tgfeu.tj
Education: Khorog State University
Disciplines: Informatics, Economic Informatics, Basics of information security, High level programming languages, Internet, Practical Programming Basics of algorithms and programming languages, Database, E-governance.
Research interests: Real, complex and functional analysis
Research work: Approximation of functions differentiable in the sense of Weyl and the value of the widths of certain functional classes
Main works: Inequality of the Jackson-Stechkin type in L2 and the values of the widths of some classes of functions. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Department of Physics and Mathematics, Chemical, Geological and Technical Sciences. 2011г., № 4 (145), pр. 17-26. 2. Minimization of Exact Constants in Jackson Type Inequalities for Some Classes of Periodic Functions in L2. Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Modern problems of mathematical analysis and function theory", June 29-30, 2012. Dushanbe: "Donish", 2012, pp. 151-154. 3. Minimization of Exact Constants in Jackson-Type Inequalities and Exact Values of the Widths of Some Classes of Functions in L2. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2012, Volume 55, No. 4 pp. 285-289. 4. Inequality of Jackson-Stechkin type in L2 and widths of some functional classes. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2012, Volume 55, No. 6 pp. 455-46. 5. On the values of the widths of functional classes in the space L2. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2012, Volume 55, No. 11 pp. 853-858. 6. Inequality of Jackson-Stechkin type for generalized moduli of continuity and widths of some functional classes of functions in the space L2. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2013, Volume 56, No. 4, pp. 273-278. 7. Width values of function classes from and minimization of exact constants in Jackson-type inequalities. News of the Tula State University. Series Natural Sciences 2013, Issue 3, pp. 60-68. 8. On the values of the widths of functional classes in the space L2. Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Modern problems of the theory of functions and differential equations", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Mikhailov L.G. June 17-18, 2013 Dushanbe: pp. 129-131. 9. Upper Bounds for Best Approximations of Certain Classes of Weyl Differentiable Functions in. Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Modern problems of functional analysis and differential equations" - dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Professor Stetsenko Vladislav Yakovlevich (Dushanbe, April 27-28, 2015), pp. 40-42. 10. Upper Bounds for Best Approximations of Certain Classes of Periodic Weyl Differentiable Functions in L2. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. 2014, Volume 57 No. 2, pp. 103-108. 11. On some approximation quantities and their coincidence on a class of functions. International Scientific Conference "Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Number Theory", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Sabirov Temur Safarovich, Dushanbe, October 29-30, 2015, pp. 52-54. 12. Upper Bounds for Best Approximations of Certain Classes of Functions Differentiable in the Sense of Weyl. Trudi of the International Summer School-Conference of S.D. Stechkin on the theory of functions (Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 15-25 August, 2016) pp. 234-237. 13. n-widths of certain function classes defined by the modulus of continuity. Journal of Approximation Theory 215 (USA - 2017) 145–162. 14. Kolmogorov's inequality for fractional derivatives and some of its applications. Material of international scientific and technological progress as a factor in the development of modern society, Ufa, (January 26, 2019) рp. 10-14. 15. Study of cybersecurity problems on the latest technologies. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Socio-Economic Social Sciences Series (ISSN-2413-5151) No.7 Dushanbe - 2019, pp. 279-284. 16. The importance of cybersecurity in the economic sphere on the latest technologies. Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Socio-Economic Social Sciences Series (ISSN-2413-5151) No.8. Dushanbe - 2019, pp. 345-352.

Gulov Akobir Bahronovich
Кабинет: 203
E-mail: a.gulov@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: logistics, transport system management
Research work: Development of labor potential in the agro-industrial complex of the region.

Deputy Dean for Science and International Relations
Vahidov Umar Mahmadievich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Information Modeling
E-mail: v.vohidov@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: econometrics, financial mathematics, economic and mathematical modeling, informatics, fundamentals of algorithmization and programming languages, computer methods of statistical analysis and forecasting, statistical modeling, modeling and forecasting of financial operations, basics of mathematical and computer modeling.
Research interests: mathematical modeling in taxation
Research work: Improving the management of the tax burden and its impact on the activities of enterprises in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Main works: Economic and statistical methods for ensuring the analysis and management of the tax burden at the enterprise level.- Dushanbe, 2019.-115p. (Monograph), Information technologies in the economy.-Dushanbe, 2020.-377p. (Textbook), Mathematical models and methods in economics.-Dushanbe, 2018.-160p. (Tutorial), Econometrics.-Dushanbe, 2016.-160p. (Textbook), Financial Mathematics.-Dushanbe, 2016.-90p. (Tutorial), Informatics.-Dushanbe, 2012.-160p. (Tutorial), Web Design.-Dushanbe, 2013.-110p. (Tutorial), Economic informatics.-Dushanbe, 2015.-80s. (Tutorial), Production logistics.-Dushanbe, 2018.-220p. (Tutorial), Computer methods of statistical analysis and forecasting.-Dushanbe, 2019.-100p. (Collection of lectures), Statistical modeling.-Dushanbe, 2019.-70p. (Collection of lectures), Guidelines for educational and industrial practice for students of the specialty 1-3103060104-Information technology management in the economy.-Dushanbe, 2019.-44p., Application of modeling methods for analyzing the effectiveness of tax policy (2012), Using the Leontiev intersectoral model when calculating value added tax (2016), Forecasting tax revenues based on econometric analysis (2015), Methodological foundations of the tax burden in the modern economy (2012), Analysis of the tax burden in the Republic of Tajikistan (2013), Impact of the tax burden on economic growth (2013 ), On the possibilities of modeling unstable economic systems using the analytical program "SIGMA PLOT" (2016), On one method for calculating the Leontiev multiplier. (2017), Application of Leontev’s inter-branch balance to taxation (2019), Formation and management of the tax burden at the level of small enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan (2018), Problems of statistical and econometric analysis of the tax burden at the level of small enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan (2019), Problems of formation of the tax base in a digital economy (2020), Economic and mathematical analysis of the tax burden in the Republic of Tajikistan (2020), Resources and opportunities to increase tax revenues in the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan (2021).

Sherali Saidali
Кабинет: 110
E-mail: sh.saidali@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik State Finance and Economics University
Disciplines: Securities market, currency regulation and control, money, credit, banking
Research interests: Labor market
Research work: Improving the mechanism for managing the regional labor market of Khatlon region.
Main works: Features of improving the mechanism for managing the regional labor market, The role of information technology in doing business (scientific article).