Financial Management Department

Заведующий кафедрой
Popov Nikolay Anatolievich
Associate Professor
Кабинет: Бинои таълимии IV
Ауд.: 305
Education: Tax and legal institute
Disciplines: Financial management, public finance management, fundamentals of inter-budgetary relations, treasury management, public debt management
Research interests: Finance, investment, entrepreneurship, agriculture, agro-industrial complex
Research work: Peculiarities of small business development in the transition economy of the Republic of Tajikistan
Main works: Textbook 1. Statistics. N.N. Soliev, B.R. Davlatzoda, Z.Kh. Imatchoev, R.Sh. Kholov, N.A. Popov. Decision of the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan from 24.12.2019, No. 17/39 Tutorial: 1. Legal statistics. Z.H. Imatchoev, N.A. Popov, B.R. Davlatzoda, R. Sh. Now. Decision of the Scientific-Methodological Council of DDMIT, dated 25.09.2020 pr. №2/4.8 Dushanbe-2020, "Matbaa", DDMIT, 124 p. 2. Customs statistics. N.A. Popov, B.R. Davlatzoda, Z.Kh. Imatshoev. By the Decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture of DDMIT dated 27.12.2021, pr. No. 5/5.8 Dushanbe-2021, "Matbaa-DDMIT", 213 p. 3. Investments. N.A. Popov. By the Decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture of DDMIT dated 23.02.2024, pr. №7/5.8 Dushanbe-2024, "Matbaa-DDMIT", 213 p. Monograph: 1. Development of small business and business promotion services in the transitional economy of the Republic of Tajikistan.//Monograph. Dushanbe. Irfan, 2008, p. 151. Scientific articles 1. Risks and threats to economic security in the digital economy.//Popov N.A., Imatchoev Z.Kh.// Message of finance and economy. 2023. No. 4/1(37), -S. 99-111. UDC: 338.2, ISSN: 2663-0389 2. The role of human capital and its social indicators in the modern economy// Popov N.A., Yakubova K.G.// Message of finance and economy. 2023. No. 1(35), -S. 195-203. ISSN: 2663-0389 3. Advantages of strategic planning in the management of strategic planning in the management of sustainable socio-economic development of the region.// Popov N.A., Saydaliev K.A. // Finance and economy message. 2022. No. 4/1(33), -S. 124-133. ISSN: 2663-0389 4. Conditions for production in the agricultural sector.// Popov N.A., Saidzoda D.S.// Message of finance and economy. 2021. No. 4/1(29), -S. 89-94. ISSN: 2663-0389 5. The experience of social development development in foreign countries.// Popov N.A., Yakubova K.G.// Message of finance and economy. 2020. No. 4(24), -S. 86-98. ISSN: 2663-0389 6. Methodology and organization of accounting in budget institutions Popov N.A., Mahmadova M.Sh.// Message of finance and economy. 2020. No. 1 (35). -S. 84-94. UDC: 332.1, ISSN: 2663-0389 7. Foreign experience of ensuring food safety and its use in the conditions of Tajikistan// News of finance and economics, No. 2/5 (172), Dushanbe: "Sino" - 2017. No. 2/7. - str. 119-122. 8. State regulation of KAS through the development of agricultural cooperation in the agrarian sector.// Dushanbe: "Kishovarz" 2/5 (172), Dushanbe: "Sino" -2018. No. 2, - p. 68-71. 9. Development of joint ventures as a form of agricultural cooperation in Khatlon region.// Dushanbe: "Kishovarz" -2018. #3 (79) 10. Theoretical aspects of the development of cooperation in the field of agriculture in the conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan.// Dushanbe: "Kishovarz"-2018. No. 4 (80). p. 121-123 11. Theoretical foundations of the development of agricultural cooperatives in the Republic of Tajikistan.// Finance and economy message, Dushanbe-2018. No. 2 (14), pp. 34-38. 12. The level of supply of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan with domestic products.// Popov N.A., Davlatov B.R.// Message of finance and economics. 2017. No. 4(12),-S. 51-57. ISSN: 2408-929Kh 13. Use of foreign experience in the development of foreign economic activity of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tajikistan in market conditions.// Popov N.A., Imatchoev Z.Kh.// Message of finance and economy 2017. No. 1(9), p. 8-13, ISSN: 2408-929
The History of the department of “Financial managment”
The Department of Financial Management was established by the order of the Rector of FEIT from 30.05.2012, under № 1 / 6.2 as an educational and scientific unit of the Faculty of Financial Economics and Taxation. Requirements for the establishment of the department to assist in the training of highly qualified modern specialists, for the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, district finance departments, financial departments of enterprises, organizations, banks, investment funds, pension and other commercial organizations that provide professional knowledge in the field of economics require are related. The department of financial management is a specialist that trains specialists in two specialties: 1-25010410 financial management and 1-26010303 public finance management.
The Department of Financial Management trains specialists in the following specialties:
1. 125010410- financial management
2. 126010303- management of public finances (term of study 4 years)
3. 126010303- management of public finances (magistracy).
The department has a scientific club "Manager-Investor" in order to improve the knowledge of students and prepare them for research. In these clubs, students, under the guidance of professors, associate professors and senior teachers of the department, participate in seminars and clubs with reports and scientific reports, and are promoted to intra-university conferences and competitions, and beyond. In the course of its activities, the department regularly holds conferences and round tables on various topics of finance, banking, and investment, where teachers and students make presentations.
The department has developed educational programs and guidelines based on current requirements and the educational process, which meet the new conditions of education and management. Currently, the Department of Financial Management is one of the main departments of the Faculty of Management and Economic Law, which contributes to the training of specialists in the field of finance and economics. The department has experienced teachers in the field of financial management and public financial management, the head of the department is Ph.D., Associate Professor Nurov Sh.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor Juraev H.G., Ph.D. ., associate professor Mirzoeva E.Sh., assistant Amirov MS Saadiev HF, Fayzulloev KJ Khakimova MS, and Tolibova Sh.M. working and operating.
The department of "Financial Management" of the Faculty of Management and Economic Law of the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics is a specialized department and in the 2021-2022 academic year will teach the following subjects in the state and Russian languages