Teaching Staff

Head of Department
Shoasalov Naimdzhon Kudratovich
Ауд.: Бинои таълимии I
E-mail: n.shoasalov@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik National University

Mirzoeva Evgeniya Shujoatbecovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Кабинет: 409
E-mail: e.mirzoeva@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: financial management, Management of the public finance, Credit and monetary circulation, an investment management.
Research interests: finance, economics, management
Research work: Ways to raise high making active investments into the light industrial enterprises of Republic of Tajikistan.
Main works: Management bases. Иброхимов I.R.Mirzoev E.Dushanbe 2012г. (Textbook), Management of public finances. Mirzoev E.Dushanbe 2013 (lecture courses), a basis marketing. With authors. Dushanbe 2010 (lecture courses). Management of investment activity in the conditions of market transformations (article) the Place and a role of financial management in a control system of the enterprise (article).Необходимость investment activity of national economy (article). The state investment policy (article). The analysis of development of the enterprises of light industry of Republic Tajikistan and an estimation of their investment activity. (Article). To a question on economic essence of investments (article). Factors and conditions of maintenance of investment appeal: problems and prospects. (Article). Regional factors and conditions of maintenance of investment activity of the enterprises in the conditions of market economy (article)

Head of Department
Nurov Shabon Safarovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Кабинет: 410
E-mail: sh.nurov@tgfeu.tj
Education: Agrarian University of Tajikistan
Disciplines: Finance, Monetary circulation and credit, Finance companies.
Research interests: Economy
Research work: Problems of improving the organizational-economic mechanism of activity of dekhkan (farm).
Main works: 1. Integration as a condition for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural production 2. Entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural sector of Tajikistan. 3. Diversification as a growth factor of competitiveness 4. Methodology and evaluation of the competitiveness of enterprise and its factors 5. Socio-economic nature of the competition, its role in a market economy 6. The role of competition in a market economy 7. The role of microfinance institutions in the Republic of Tajikistan

Amirov Muhammadsharif Savzalievich
Senior Lecturer
E-mail: m.amirov@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik Agrarian University
Disciplines: Financial Risk Management, Financial Risk and Business Environment, Public Finance Management, Introduction
Research interests: Financial risks in industrial enterprises
Research work: Assessment of financial risk management and its role in ensuring financial stability of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan
Main works: Planning of state budget expenditures of the Republic of Tajikistan. Message from the Institute of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan. Monday 2017. №4 (12). С. 90 - 96. Financial risk management in uncertain conditions. Message from Bactria State University named after Nosiri Khusrav: (scientific journal) Series of humanities and economics. Part 2. Bactria - 2018. - 1/4 (57). - С. 125 - 131. Theoretical aspects of risky investments in business. Formation of the investment model of development of the Republic of Tajikistan: Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference Dushanbe 2018. С. 70 - 74. Financial Risk Management. Educational materials - Dushanbe 2018 - 165 pages. Economic assessment of the effectiveness of financial risk management of enterprises in modern conditions. Message of the TNU №8, Dushanbe 2020, P.221-231. 27. Theoretical bases of financial risk management in the organization. Message from DSMP №4 (24) Dushanbe 2020. P.73-81. Financial risk at the stage of sustainable economic development. Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference on "Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: Foreign and National Experience", TNU, Dushanbe, October 13, 2020, pp. 300 - 308. Influence of financial risk on the investment activity of enterprises in Khatlon region. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Application of modern management methods in the socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan" Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University November 26, 2020 pp. 161-166. Economic significance and assessment of financial risks of organizations Message of Bactria State University named after Nosiri Khusrav: (scientific journal) Series of humanities and economics. Part 4. Bactria - 2020. - 1/4 (62). - С. 166 - 174. Financial risk management in the enterprise: methods and models. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on "Digital Economy: Development Challenges and Mechanisms for Solving Them" (December 12, 2020, Dushanbe). ATSMU 2020 p. 177 - 183. Methods of assessing foreign exchange risk and its regulation in business. Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Issues of Development of Accounting, Management and Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan" (May 29, 2021). Management of production risks in industrial enterprises. Proceedings of the scientific-theoretical conference of professors, teachers and students of TSMU dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the "Years of Rural Development, Tourism and Folk Crafts" (2019 - 2021) (April 12-17, 2021) 341 - 344. Management of economic risks in innovative entrepreneurial activity. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference of the University dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan on "Innovative development and digitalization in the Republic of Tajikistan: problems and prospects" (Dushanbe, April 8, 2021). ATSMU in 2021 p. 82 - 87.

Hakimova Mavzuna Sattorovna
E-mail: m.hakimova@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik National University
Disciplines: financial management, Management of the public finance, Credit and monetary circulation, an investment management, leasing.
Research interests: finance, economics, management
Research work: Scientific and research work: Economic efficiency of investments at enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan
Main works: “Planning of expenditures of the state budget of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Vestnik FEIT No. 4 - Dushanbe 2017, pp. 90-96.; The history of the securities market in the Republic of Tajikistan., Collection of articles of the Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "Tajikistan and the world securities market: prerequisites and opportunities for participation." FEIT, Dushanbe, February 24, 2018 p. 67-72.; Theoretical aspects of investment risks in business., Collection of materials of scientific and practical international conference on "Formation of investment model of development of the Republic of Tajikistan" (Dushanbe, December 14, 2018) - Dushanbe, TGFEU., pp. 70-74.; Investments and their role in the development and maintenance of the national economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference on the theme: "Problems of ensuring the competitiveness of financial institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of globalization of the economy”., (Dushanbe 7-December) 2018, pp. 135-138.; Investment activity of enterprises: factors influencing the formation of investment climate in the Republic of Tajikistan., Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference on " Problems of ensuring sustainable balanced development of the world economy: trends and prospects” (Dushanbe 28-October 2019)., pp. 176-180.; The main directions of planning the state expenditure of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles of the scientific - practical republican conference on the topic of the problem of public finance management: national regional aspects dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Tasishobia Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, December 7, 2019) p. 171-174 .; On the issue of economic efficiency of investments in the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles of the scientific and theoretical conference of teachers and students of TSFEU, on the topic "Ensuring the economic and social development of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions: problems and prospects" dedicated to the year of rural development, tourism and folk crafts (2019-2020)., April 22-23, 2019 ... S. 564-567 .; Innovative activity and its impact on the formulation of corporate strategy of industrial enterprises., Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "The use of modern management methods in the socio - economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan" Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University November 26 - 2020, p. 187 -191 .; Innovative activity and its impact on the formulation of corporate strategy of industrial enterprises., Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "The use of modern management methods in the socio - economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan" Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University November 26 - 2020, p. 187 -191 .; Teretico - methodological aspects of the investment attractiveness of enterprises in the real sector of the economy. Collection of articles of the April scientific - theoretical conference of the professors - teaching staff and students of TSFEU, dedicated to the "Twenty years of the study and development of natural, exact and mathematical sciences" (2020-2040)., (April 13-18, 2020) - Dushanbe, 2020., Pp. . 161-163 .; Management of the budgetary process in the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles of the republican scientific - practical conference. (March 28, 2020, Dushanbe). - IPST., 2020., pp. 77-81 .; Theoretical foundations of innovation and their classification. TNU., Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Implementation of sustainable development goals: foreign and national practice" (Dushanbe, October 13, 2020)., Pp. 518-524 .; Conditions for innovative development and activation of innovative processes in the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles of the republican scientific - practical conference on the topic: "Formation and development of clusters in agriculture" (November 26, 2020), pp. 175-178 .; The investment climate is the basis for the development of the digital economy. Digital Economy: Problems, Development, and Mechanism for its Solution. dedicated to "Twenty years of study and development of natural, exact and mathematical sciences in the field of education" (2020-2040)., pp. 309-314 .; Ways to form an investment climate in the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles from the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, April 8, 2021)., P. 99-102 .; Attraction of foreign investment in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of articles of the scientific - theoretical conference of the professors - teaching staff and students of TSFEU dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and "Rural development, tourism and folk crafts" (2019-2021) (April 12-17, 2021), pp. 376-378 .; Conceptual foundations of innovative development of industrial enterprises in modern conditions. Collection of articles of the scientific and practical republican conference on the topic: “Financial and credit relations: problems, ways of development, forecasting. (Dushanbe, May 29, 2021), p. 50-54 .; Theoretical aspects of the innovation process in industrial enterprises. Education and Science in Russia and Abroad. International scientific journal No. 4., 2021. Pp. 183-189 .: Entrepreneurial innovation: concept, features, types. Materials of the international scientific - practical conference "Issues of development of accounting, management and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan" (May 29, 2021)., Rasht -2021., Pp. 68-72.

Sadiev Humaini Fozilbekovich
E-mail: hsadiev@tgfeu.tj
Education: Service and Entrepreneurship Institute of Tajikistan
Disciplines: Financial management, Controlling, Financial market, Financial policy of the enterprise
Main works: 1. Currency risk assessment methods and its regulation in business activities Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Issues of Development of Accounting, Management and Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan" (May 292021) (0,56 п.л.) 2. Entrepreneurship support challenges and opportunities Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference on "Formation of the investment model of development of the Republic of Tajikistan" Dushanbe, TGFEU. December 14, 2018, pp. 31-35, 0.31 l.h. 3. Improving the system of attracting and using foreign investment in the development of agriculture in Tajikistan Proceedings of the scientific-practical international conference on "Formation of investment models of development of the Republic of Tajikistan" in Dushanbe, TGFEU. December 14, 2018. p. 341-343. 4. Financial management system in the field of control over the state budget of the Republic of Tajikistan Proceedings of the scientific-theoretical conference of teachers and students of FEIT dedicated to the Year of Youth and the 20th anniversary of national unity Institute of Finance and Economics of Tajikistan April 21-22, 2017 pp. 130 – 133 (0.25 pp) 5. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Issues of the Development of Accounting, Management and Business Activity in the Republic of Tajikistan" (May 29, 2021)) Saadiev H.F., Kosimov A. Analysis of the development of entrepreneurial activity and the process of its regulation in the Republic of Tajikistan Rasht 27 -33 43 vols. 6.Rapid industrialization of the country is the fourth national goal. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference on "Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: foreign and national experience", FEIT, Dushanbe, October 13, 2020, p. 88-90 0.5 tsp. 7. Development of tourism and its effective aspects to the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Monday 31.03.2020 43 lj.lj. 8. Socio-economic problems of the development of higher education systems, its competitiveness in world markets Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference on "Ways to ensure the sustainability of the banking system in modern conditions", TGFEU, Dushanbe, 31.05.2019. 0.43 l.h. 9.Ways of attracting favorable conditions for attracting foreign investment on the example of the Republic of Tajikistan. IIS pag 43-45

Faizulloev Komiljon Jumaevich
E-mail: k.faizulloev@tgfeu.tj
Education: Tajik State Finance and Economics University
Disciplines: Financial Management, Public Financial Management, Financial Investment Planning
Research work: Problems of formation of tax potential of the region (on the example of Khatlon region)
Main works: 1. Priorities for the development of corporate forms of management in modern conditions // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Formation of an investment model for the development of the Republic of Tajikistan”, TSFEU, Dushanbe, 2018, pp. 260-263. 2. The introduction of modern information technologies in the effective activities of the tax authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Formation of an investment model for the development of the Republic of Tajikistan”, TSFEU, -Dushanbe, 2018- P.354-358. 3. Securities market and foreign investment in the Republic of Tajikistan // Collection of articles of the Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic “Tajikistan and the world securities market: prerequisites and opportunities for participation”. FEIT, Dushanbe, February 2018, pp. 46-50. 4. Significance of the development of the urban passenger transport service management system in the city of Dushanbe Conference of the Republican scientific and practical material on the topic "Directions of the state and political prospects of the society of public charitable investors of the Republic of Tajikistan", DSMIT, Dushanbe, 03/31/2019. 5. Theoretical aspects of the budgetary process in the Republic of Tajikistan. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Ways to Ensure the Stability of the Banking System in Modern Conditions", TSMU, Dushanbe, 05/31/2019. Nature and potential tax structure of the region. 6. Proceedings of the scientific-theoretical conference of professors, teachers and students of TSMU dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the "Years of Rural Development, Tourism and Folk Crafts" (2019 - 2021) (April 12-17, 2021) 217-219.