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Мирсаидов Саидакмал Аврорович

Mirsaidov Saidakmal Avrorovich

Doctor of Economics

Кабинет: 201

E-mail: s.mirsaidov@tgfeu.tj

Education: Tajikistan State University of Law, Business, & Politics

Disciplines: Fundamentals of marketing, investment management, strategic management

Research interests: Development of the agricultural sector in a transformational economy

Research work: Priority areas for ensuring food security based on the agricultural sector

Касымова Саидниссо Исмаиловна

Kasimova Saidnisso Ismailovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Кабинет: 206

E-mail: s.kasimova@tgfeu.tj

Education: Tajik National University

Research work: Development of market infrastructure in the border areas of the Republic of Tajikistan

Main works: Management (textbook), Management and marketing (textbook), Ways to improve informal employment in the service sector // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. A series of socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No. 3. P. 156-162. (Article), Organization, coordination and regulation of the quality management process // Conference of TSFEU, 2018 (article), Strategic brand development // financial and economic bulletin 2019 (article), Ways to improve the informal employment in the Republic of Tajikistan // financial and economic bulletin 2016. (article)

Хамидов Абдусалим Худойбердиевич

Khamidov Abdusalim Khudoiberdievich

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Кабинет: 201

E-mail: a.hamidov@tgfeu.tj

Education: Institute of Economics of Tajikistan

Юнусов Бехруз Додхудоевич

Yunusov Behruz Dodhudoevich


Кабинет: 201

E-mail: b.yunusov@tgfeu.tj

Education: Tajik State Finance and Economics University

Халилзода Умед Шараф

Khalilzoda Umed Sharaf


Кабинет: 201

E-mail: u.khalilzoda@tgfeu.tj

Education: Tajik National University