Finance and Credit Faculty

Nurov Mahmadnazar Rajabalievich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Study: 308
Education: Institute of Economics of Tajikistan
Disciplines: Money, credit, bank, securities market, exchange business
Research interests: Economy
Research work: Forms for International Settlements, the direction of their improvement
Main works: 1.The role of information technology in the development of entrepreneurial activity. 2. Stock exchanges of foreign countries. 3. The role of finance in international economic relations. 4. Experience in the functioning of stock exchanges of foreign countries. 5. Theoretical questions and forms of international payments
- Finance department
- Banking department
- Exchange business and securities market department
Faculty of finance and loan
The Faculty of Finance and Credit conducts its activities in order to train highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the labor market. Currently, the faculty has departments of finance, banking and exchange business, which train specialists depending on the conditions and conditions of the labor market in the following specialties:
• 1-25010401 – finance;
• 1-25010402 - bankin;
• 1-25010202 - financial and banking economy;
• 1-25010408 - stock market;
• 1-25010409 - finance and control in the field of customs
In the above specialties, personnel are trained for sectors of the country's national economy with a degree of higher education - bachelor, higher - specialist (second higher education). In recent years, under the direct initiative of the university leadership in the faculty, graduate students and students in the specialties of finance and credit, banking, have been accepted as masters of Ph.D. It should be noted that from the beginning of the formation of the university to this day, graduates graduated from the existing specialties of full-time and distance learning of the faculty of finance and credit. Currently, graduates of the faculty work in various sectors of the national economy.
Every year the material and technical base of the faculty improves, modern electronic boards are installed in specialized classrooms, which teachers use to implement modern teaching methods (slide shows, video materials, etc.) and conduct classes. The faculty has two language laboratories and one computer classroom, which are equipped with the latest linguistics tools, which allows you to master foreign languages and computer science.
It is known that the combination of theory with practice is the main way to train highly qualified personnel. To this end, in the near future, the faculty plans to open a training bank and new computer audiences. In general, the faculty may become a major financial and banking school in the future and serve as a center for the training of qualified personnel in this industry.
Department of Finance
The Department of Finance and Money Circulation graduates highly qualified specialists who meet the needs of the domestic and international labor market in the field of finance and credit. This department has a Council of young scientists and researchers, in which young teachers of the department are engaged in scientific research and analyze various aspects in financial and credit relations. In order to improve skills and abilities, as well as increase the level of students' knowledge, their involvement in scientific research, the department has a scientific group of students under the name "Creative Searches", which plays an important role in improving the literacy and professional qualifications of students.
Department of Banking
The Department of Banking, created immediately after the establishment of the university, has always played an important role at the Faculty of Finance and Credit, being one of the centers for the study and scientific research of one of the main sectors of the national economy - the banking system. The main advantage of this department is that, first of all, its graduates are in demand in the financial market of the country and continue to play an important role in stabilizing the national currency and financial relations, in the distribution and redistribution of monetary funds.
From the beginning of its activity, the Department of Banking has been closely associated with the National Bank of Tajikistan and commercial banks of the country and trains specialists in the necessary fields. At the same time, the department attracts specialists from commercial banks and credit institutions to teach relevant subjects.
Department of exchange business
The department of exchange business also graduates specialists and prepares students in the specialties of the stock market, finance and control in the field of customs. In order to expand educational and scientific ties, enter into a single educational space, expand cooperation with higher educational institutions outside the country, some teachers took advanced training courses at universities in the Netherlands and Georgia.
Thanks to interaction with government structures in the cities and regions of the republic, research links were established with the Central Asian Stock Exchange. This step fruitfully affects the increase of theoretical, applied and practical knowledge among students.
Given the above experience, the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics takes training of highly qualified specialists very seriously, the results of which are noticeable when graduates of the faculty of finance and credit are successfully employed through the procedures for passing the relevant competitions.