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Scientific evaluation of the country's banking system

On October 28, 2017 at the initiative of the Science and Innovation Department, as well as the Banking Department a scientific and theoretical conference on theme «The State of the Banking System of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Financial ...

Mehrgon - a holiday of love and abundance

Mehrgon is one of the ancient holidays of Persian-speaking peoples, which, despite all the trials, has survived from ancient times till nowadays. Mehrgon is a autumn holiday dedicated to harvesting, symbolizing the work of a peasant.

Youth and Innovative Entrepreneurship

On October 10, 2017 within the framework of the Entrepreneurship Week, a conference on «Youth and innovative entrepreneurship» was held at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan on the initiative of the Master Degree Department, ...

Opening of the Center for Advanced Training Office of FEIT in Kulyab

On October 6, 2017 in the building of the Financial Department of the Kulyab group of districts of the Khatlon region, within the framework of the Project «Support to state finance management”, and also to implement the «Development ...

A Sign of Respect to the Teacher and the State Language

On October 5, 2017 in honor of the State Language Day and Teacher's Day a solemn event took place at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The Chairman of the PDPT Executive Committee in the Sino district Faizullozoda Zarina, ...

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