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FEIT will be Admitted as a Member of the SCO University

From 22 to 25 May, 2015 the rector of FEIT Solekhzoda Ashurboy Abdulvohid participated in two international conferences in the People's Republic of China. The conferences were held at the Commercial Institute of the Pedagogical University ...

The Establishment of the branch "Samrau" in FEIT

On May 28, 2015 the rector of FEIT Solekhzoda A. A. received the guests of the Institute - Lavrentev S. N. the rector of the Bashkir Academy of State Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Vice-rector on ...

The best hostesses are the students of Accounting and Statistics faculty

On May 22, 2015 at the initiative of the Education Department a competition «Best hostess» was held in FEIT, dedicated to the Year of the Family. The students of all faculties of the Institute participated in the competition. According to the ...

Preliminary results of the exams

On the basis of the order of the rector of FEIT from  April 20, 2015 “On confirmation of the staff and schedule of works of the State Attestation Commission in 2014-2015 academic year, the requirements of the Regulation on State ...

Participation of FEIT in the National Running Day

On 17 May traditional Running Day in the framework of the Day of Youth of Tajikistan was held in the republic.  In the capital the participants started from "Chorbog" located in Varzob and finished it near the ...

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