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We have not to be indifferent to the fight against corruption

As part of the implementation of the TSUFE plans and activities on the implementation of the "Strategy of Combating Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2030", the meetings are often held with representatives of the ...

2022 year was a historic and memorable year for TSUFE

On December 30, 2022, it was held a large extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, which was attended by professors, teachers and university employees.

" Research on banks and financial crises "

Nobel lectures under the title "Nobel Prize and Economic Sciences" were held at the TSUFE with the participation of representatives of the Board of the Spitamen Bank Closed Joint Stock Company and the State Savings Bank of the ...

Review of the problems of the financial system development

Dedicated to the Day of Finance Authority Employees, on the initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, the Faculty of Finance and Credit and the Scientific and Research Institute "Finance" of TSUFE, on December 6th of ...

The meeting to respect the State flag

"In the modern world, the State Flag is a sign of independence, one of the main symbols of Statehood and National unity, that is, the modern state is represented by its flag." This point was emphasized in the speech of the rector of ...

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