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The opening of a new research library

On October 26, 2016, the official opening ceremony of Research Library was held in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, which was reconstructed and updated. The representatives of the EU Representation in Tajikistan took part at the ...

Dilnora Amonova won the competition «Student of the Year»

Annually the competition «Student of the Year» is held in the country at the initiative of the Committee for Youth, Sport and Tourism. The purpose of which is to encourage talented students of educational institutions of higher professional ...

Discussion of Entrepreneurship Development Problems

On October 15, 2016 on the initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and the Department of Economic Analysis scientific-practical conference on the theme «The role of Entrepreneurship and Investment in the Development of National ...

The role of woman in the development of society

On October 13, 2016 at the initiative of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district the Round table on theme «The role of women in social development in sovereign Tajikistan» was held in ...

FEIT became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016»

We are glad to announce that Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016» in the nomination « Favorable conditions» (the creation of favorable conditions for study and ...

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