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Nature lovers of FEIT

On June 2 a competition «Nature lovers» was held between the faculties and Master’s degrees Department of the Institute dedicated to the World Environment Day, which is celebrated annually on June 5.

Discussion of the dissertations

On May 31, 2016 a preliminary discussion of the dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences was held at the Economic Theory department.

The competition «Student of the Year» in FEIT

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pays special attention to youth policy. For the upbringing, education and formation of young people all the conditions have been created in the country. Educated, possessing professional skills ...

Youth festival in FEIT

In accordance with the «Action Plan of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan on the organization and conducting of Ten Days of Youth», as well as in the framework of the celebration of Family Day, the Day of Youth of Tajikistan, the ...

Youth against extremism

On May 12, 2016 in accordance with the action plan of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty meeting of teachers and students with the Colonel of police, Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Training of the Customs Service staff under ...

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